Friday, March 1, 2013

Still miss my Reba:

Reba/Barbara Jean:

I posted earlier in the year about the silly emails April and I do back and forth all day.
Ever since we started watching Reba, (love that show!)we go on back and forth as if we were Reba and Barbara Jean. April is Reba and I am the fun-loving goof ball, Barbara Jean.

Me: I need to go by Grandma’s to pay her bills before I go home, don’t miss me too much.

April: Oh trust me I won't!! I have to run to hallmark after work anyway.

Me:Oh, Reba, can’t you miss me just a little bit?

April: BARBARA JEAN!! How in the heck am I suppose to miss you when you're at my house all day long! Go HOME so I can miss you!
Babara Jean: Oh Reba... you really know how to make a girl feel so...
(as she is pushing Babara Jean out the door)
The above is an old post I came across earlier this week.  I sooo miss my little Reba.  We bantered back and forth all day long by email.
Don't get me wrong, I am very happy April has a new job and so close to her home.  But I miss her, plain and simple.  She used to stop by the house occassionally on her way to or home from work, spend the night once or twice a week as the drive was so long and costly from her house.  The day to day contact is gone and we've entered a new phase of our life.  A phase that takes some getting used to.
I am grateful for my daughter and though I get sad she doesn't live close, I am very happy for her as she begins a new phase in her life.


  1. That would be such a huge adjustment!

  2. Now, Barbara Jean! Try having daughters who live overseas! You just "buck up" and think about the fact that all you have to do is drive, what, less than an hour to get to her...put on your big girl pants. You know I'm just kidding and joshing with you, I hope. We love our kids and it is true that a boy is a boy until he takes a wife (or not) but a girl is a daughter all her life. Ours is visiting from FLWood this weekend and I love it. I know what you mean....Pastor K.

  3. K.
    Touche!! lol
    I need to learn how to grow up and embrace this new era of my life. I get stuck in the "remember when" mode and that doesn't do me a bit of good.
    I have thought about you and your situation when I've missed my kids and think, "Connie Rebecca, you have your kids close enough to go see, life changes and you need to, too?" I give myself alot of lectures. lol
    Take care and miss you.

    1. Oh, can't you tell I'm just jealous that you have such a good relationship with your kids and extended family...haha. Don't think that I haven't gone thru some dark valleys missing my kids. I thought when Joel left for the Peace Corps to what was then Czechoslovakia (Czech Republic now) I thought I'd die - it was the end of the world for me. We had no way to reach him but letter which took weeks. He was there 10 years! By the time Meredith went to Germany, I was more hardened, then the first grandbaby was born and I went thru more valleys b/c I couldn't be there until he was 3 mos. old. Hard but we gave them feet and wings -- they ran and flew..what can I say. Love you back, Karen
