This little guy's grandpa, Brad had a heart attack on Monday of this week. He is doing better but his health in in jeopardy and he probably won't be able to work again. Brad is not only a neighbor but a good friend. If you need help with anything, Brad will be there. We went to school together and rode the same bus. Many hours of playing pitch on the way to and back from school. We had a rule that we didn't cheat. Brad loved to aggravate his sister, Pat (who was on my team) to no end. He would pretend to cheat just to make her mad. Lots of fun times on the bus and a good way to pass the time on the long ride. Brad is on the right in the picture below. To be honest, if I didn't know Brad, I would probably be scared of him. lol To look at him, he is a little scary looking. I've (and others) jokingly told him that and he thinks it's funny. I hope and pray for Brad's health to improve.
I am grateful for the friends in life.
Oh my I hadn't heard about this until now. I hope he gets better and you are right if you don't know him you could be a bit afraid of him!