This morning before I went to work I stopped by Mom and Dad's. Dad had just fed the chickens and they were all eating and strutting about. They looked so pretty and fascinating to watch. Anyone that knows me knows I'm not much for animals, even though I grew up on a farm. They are just animals to me and as long as they leave me alone, that's the way I like it. (Be it dog, cat, cow, etc.) But this morning I really enjoyed watching the chickens eat and strut about as if bragging to their fellow mates. It reminded me of going to see Grandma and Grandpa Feeler when I was growing up. Each evening, Grandma would go out and make sure the chickens were in their coop. Whenever I hear a rooster crowing, I automatically relate that sound to being at Grandma's house. A lovely memory, as I loved my Grandma very much. I even lived with her for a couple weeks in 1974 after my Grandpa died. I wish now I would have taken more time to enjoy the privilege of being with my grandma and not being the teenager that I was, thinking about going places with my friends or just missing being at home. If I had ever voiced those feelings to Grandma she would have understood and told me that was normal. So, whenever I see or hear chickens it brings back fond memories of being at Grandma and Grandpa's. Even to this day, I sometimes dream about being at Grandma's house and I always seem to wake up with a peaceful feeling.
What a legacy of love my Grandma left me (and all of her grand kids). She made each one of feel as if we were special. My cousin even wrote a song about her. I'll have to get a copy sometime and share the special words the song reveals about Grandma.
I did not have the opportunity to know my Mom's parents. Grandma Williams died when my Mom was only ten years old and Grandpa Williams died a couple years before I was born. As a child, I don't remember feeling as if I was missing out on not knowing my other grandparents. It was just a fact of life. Now I can look back and realize how much more blessed my life would have been knowing them.
So my feelings of melancholy at the beginning of the week are residing some now. I need to realize life is a series of ebbs and flows and you need to just be grateful for each day God gives you. I am extremely grateful for the family I've been blessed with.
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