Thursday, June 12, 2014

Weekly Visit:

April and Cash

Grandpa, Grandma and Cash

Cash wasn't feeling well last night and seemed to be extra clingy to his Momma.  He's cutting more teeth so he was a little fussy.  But we were still able to get good play time in and Grandpa took him for a couple different walks around outside.
When April was a baby, she would always play with my hair when she ate and as she got older it became her security blanket.  If she got her feelings hurt or in trouble, she would come and hold onto my hair.  Sometimes she would come and hold my hair for no reason.  (Don't worry, she has outgrown that habit.  lol)  It's so cute to see Cash doing the same thing.  April said when she wakes Cash up in the mornings, the first thing he does is hold onto her hair.  When he wasn't feeling well last night, he laid back in April's arms and grabbed her hair to hold.  He doesn't pull, just holds onto it.  I find it interesting he has the same trait as his Momma did.

I am grateful for these weekly visits.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting that they both held onto the hair like that! So cute!
