Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Old Time Picture:

I went to Mom and Dad's for a visit last night.  Dad was thrilled with a picture he'd received from when he was a boy.  Dad is known to have his hands in his upper overalls quite often.  He said, "See, even as a boy I had my hands in my overalls".  Gotta love him!!  The man is my Great-Great Grandpa Ed Balance, my Grandma Feeler's dad.  Dad loves all these old time photos and the stories that go with them.
I will make him even happier tonight as my boss, Don Allen has a box of old photos of Feelers and Allens and he doesn't know the names of everyone.  I'm to take it to Dad to see who he knows of them and to mark the pictures with their names.  He will be in seventh heaven.
The quality of these old photos are really magnificent, such heavy cardboard and fancy cardboard frames.
I am so grateful to share in these times with my Dad.


  1. How cool! I bet he will love looking through those pictures tonight!

  2. Yes, he called me every little bit about some story he remembered. lol

  3. Oh that is great! No doubt those pictures jogged a lot of memories! How wonderful!
