Friday, September 1, 2017

Maries County Fair:

Dwayne and I met April and the kids at the fair Wednesday night.  It was buddy night, buy tickets for one and the other rides free.  Iva wasn't big enough to ride so we weren't able to take advantage of the bargain.  Cash had a blast!   He was so excited, he was jumping up and down and running from ride to ride.  He opens gates for Grandpa so we had to tell him he couldn't just run up and open the gate at each ride.  It was pure joy watching him on the rides and the excitement on his face.  April took the kids on the Merry Go Round so Iva could get a ride.  Iva was okay but not overly thrilled.  She's always okay when she's with her Momma.  After we got Cash away from the rides, he was just as happy sitting on the tractors displayed at the fair.

We had such a good time.  I'm grateful to spend time with Cash and Iva.

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