Thursday, March 20, 2014

Peacock Lady:

Ladies Night Out
A couple weeks ago, me and Sheila (sorry for the poor grammar) went to Ladies Night Out here in town.  Mardi Gras was the theme.  Sheila won the queen prize.  We had a wonderful time and a great dinner.  I think our good time was in part to the people seated at our table; we had a good group.
One was Sharon Wilson and she surprised me this morning by bringing the pictures by work.  Sharon and her husband, Louis went to school with my boss, Don so there was a lot of visiting going on.  Louis and Don were visiting in one room and Sharon and I were visiting in my office.  It was so nice of her to come by; we had a great visit.  They were going on to Rolla from here.  I suggested they cut through on the road I live on and then go on to Road Kill Grill for lunch.  They were excited to try it as they'd heard a lot about it.  It is a good place to eat.
I am grateful for my work environment and for friends stopping by.

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