Friday, November 4, 2016

Busy Week:

Loading calves with Dwayne to sell.  We realized we didn't have a license plate on the trailer, so we made a mad dash to Vienna and back hoping not to get pulled over.  Whew, we made it!!
Liz and Nate came over for their card night.  They're growing up on me.
I had the day off and my wonderful daughter-in-law, Michelle took me out to lunch.  We stayed at Checo's for almost three hours visiting.  A trip to MFA and then Dollar Store.  Naturally I had to buy something since I was there.  Overall great day!
Had two separate emails on part-time work.  Very exciting.  Hope something pans out.
Weekly Visit:

Cash is going thru a phase of not wanting his picture taken.
Probably the most I've ever held Iva at one time.  Usually, she wants her Momma.  Cash and I played our usual games and routines.  He never forgets week to week the routine we have down.

I am grateful for this week and especially for my family.

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