April's babysitter was on vacation last week so I watched Cash Thursday and Friday. He's at such a fun age.
We played on the porch most of the morning. I found that running a few errands seems to take a little longer. I didn't notice that when my kids were young. Might have something to do with age.........
We only got called to Mom's about three times during the day. Cash did pretty good while I helped out.
Grandpa. That's all I need to say. Cash is crazy over his Grandpa. When Dwayne got home from work he went crazy yelling for him. Todd and Desmon came over. Cash had Todd take him outside and for a walk. I think he likes Uncle Todd pretty good. Desmon spent the night with us.
Friday morning, Desmon and Cash had fun on the front porch. Cash thought everything Desman did was hilarious. Mid-morning we went to Vienna to run a few errands. Ten year olds think they should get anything they want at the store. Desmon found out a $1 toy meant only a dollar. I think he just likes the thrill of getting something and I've already bought him several toys over the summer.
We stopped by Mom and Dad's on the way home. She seemed to be doing pretty good. Dad looked exhausted. The kids played good all day and Cash and I even took a nap. We only got called to go up to Mom's a couple times.
April came over to get Cash. Todd had stopped by after work to get Desmon. Dwayne decided we'd all go out to eat for his birthday. Called Chad and he came over. Off we all went to Sput's. What a crowd!! Friday is pool tournament night. We found a seat in the back and had a really good meal.
Somehow Cash wiped out Facebook on my phone. Went by Verizon and got it fixed then picked up Mom's medicine. My cousin, Linda Spencer's husband, Danny had passed away. I went by for the visitation. The funeral home was packed. Stopped by Mom and Dad's, visited with the Hospice nurse.
Dwayne and the boys were doing hay all day. They called me down to Chad's for supper. My boys are both really good cooks. They had fixed beer can chickens. I have always heard of that but had never ate it before. Very good! I don't think I've ever had more moist chicken. Had a good evening visiting,
Today I didn't do much of anything. Mom called early this morning for me to come up and help. So much for going to church today. I came back home and went to sleep. Around noon, Mom called for me to come up and help Dad get her up, she was almost to fall off the bed. We tried but I just don't have the strength to lift her. Called my nephew, Zach to come over. Him and Dad got Mom up and then her knees buckled and down she went. I went down the road to get my cousin, Rusty to help. He wasn't home. I was wondering what we were going to do. Pulled in the driveway and there was a car I didn't recognize. Luckily, my cousin Doug came out to visit. He helped Mom off the floor. Thank goodness he showed up when he did. Stayed awhile to visit and then on home.
I must have looked tired when Dwayne came in as he fixed supper.
I am so thankful for such a loving and caring husband.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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