Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Weekly Visit:

We had such a great visit with Cash last Wednesday.  It was such a nice evening out.  We watched Cash play and have fun.  After his wagon ride around town with Grandpa, I got his riding toy out of the garage.  Of course, he took me to the garage and showed me where it was.  He had such fun and the same was said for the rest of us.  Up the sidewalk, roll backwards, up the sidewalk, roll backwards...........over and over again.  Then he went up the steeper driveway and started to roll backwards.  Way too fast!  I was afraid he would tip over as the toy started to tip.  April must have thought the same thing as she came running.  Luckily, I got to him and kept him from tipping over.  He thought it was fun.  That option wasn't allowed after this.  Back to the sidewalk.
Cash riding toy up the sidewalk and then roll backwards.
After we went inside, Cash had to have us sit at his table with him.  Only we're too big to actually sit on the bench.  They certainly don't make Little Tykes tables like they used to.
He adores his Grandpa.

  We have such fun with this little guy.  So very grateful to be a grandparent.

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