The evening started out by relaxing and watching TV upstairs so Dwayne and I could each watch our own shows. Not long into the show, Dwayne brings the phone upstairs and it is my wonderful impatient and doesn't give up niece, Ashlyne Paige. Her and a couple of her friends wanted to know if I would take them to the roller rink in Rolla. Naturally, I said yes but she needed to ask her Grandma first if it was okay. Judy said they could go as long as Zach went, too. Little did I know when I agreed to this that I would also have to go back to Rolla and pick them up at ten o'clock! Oh, well, I can remember (vaguely, it was so long ago! LOL)being a teenager and wanting to go somewhere. Actually, I miss the days of running with my own kids and it brought back memories of trips with my kids, the laughter, fighting over the radio station and just all around noise.
After I dropped the kids off at the roller rink, I stopped by Mom and Dad's on the way home and visited. What a nice evening with family.
I was so tired when I woke up. Watched a movie, Valentine's Day, with April and then went back to bed. After I woke up, I swam and laid on the air mattress for awhile. Finally, I felt awake enough to get a few things done. Cleaned the house and then got ready for Dwayne and I to go out to eat in the evening. Plans changed as Dwayne forgot about us going out. Ugh! So, I finished up a book I was reading and made my covered dish for the church dinner on Sunday.
April and I went to church, Dwayne had went over earlier as he was to help in the kitchen for the fish fry. After church, we had a ground breaking ceremony for the the new addition. It was a bittersweet time as Pastor Karen was unable to be there. Her Mother was in critical condition and has since then passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with her and her family.
Ground breaking for new church addition:

The fish fry was very good and as always, we sat with our good friends, "The Howard Girls" and enjoyed visiting with them.
The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and enjoying the rain storm. (I'm weird that way, I love the rain, thunder and lightning) That evening for supper, I fixed tacos, beans and rice and coffee cake for dessert. Mike wasn't able to come over as they had a cow die that evening and Chad wasn't there, he was riding horses. (Imagine that!)
It was just Dwayne, April, Todd and I and we had a nice visit during the meal. Todd helped me clean the kitchen and stayed for a few hours watching TV and visiting. Love that kid!! (I guess he's an adult, but he will always be my kid)
Overall, the weekend was what it was supposed to be. A time for relaxing from the work week, visiting with family and friends and keeping the Sabbath holy. I am grateful to live in a country where this is possible.
We always have a blast sitting with you and Arpil too!!! That is one reason I like going to church dinners so much :)