Dwayne baled hay so I just watched TV and enjoyed the evening to myself.
Our pastor, Karen Alden and her husband Bill host an annual breakfast at their house. They have a whole buffet of breakfast foods for all to enjoy. We are usually the last ones there, but this year we were about a half an hour ahead of schedule. Kind of threw everyone off as they know it's about over when we arrive. Dwayne, April and I enjoyed the breakfast and visiting with everyone.
After eating breakfast, we drove to Vichy to where our friends, Kenny and Shelley, are building a house. I am happy for them, I remember the excitement of when we built our house. Of course the visit wouldn't be complete without seeing the boys.
House Site:

Nathan and Blake:

Saturday Evening:
That evening we went to Mike and Susan's for their annual 4th of July celebration. I so enjoy going over there and seeing all of Susan's beautiful flowers and landscaping. Susan adds a new feature each year and her yard should be listed as yard of the year if she were ever in a contest. It is truly beautiful.
My good friend, Susan:

This year's new feature, log house for the grandkids:

Fish Pond:

Lake and Gazebo:
The gazebo was added in 2004 when their daughter, Carrie got married in a beautiful outdoor wedding.


April and I:

Susan's brother, Mike, the life of the party:
Never a dull moment when Mike is around, haven't laughed that hard in years.

Dwayne and Evan:
As long as Dwayne would walk around and carry him, he was Evan's buddy.


What a wonderful celebration with good friends, food and fireworks.
Dwayne, April and I went to church. April and I are ushers for the month of July.
After church, we rushed home to get ready to go to Aunt Jessie Licklider's for her annual 4th of July Elrod Reunion. Along with Dwayne and I, all three kids attended along with April's friend Mike. It's been awhile since all of us has been to the reunion at one time. You don't go hungry at an Elrod Reunion!! Tons of food and an afternoon of visiting and catching up with everyone's life.
I was so tired when we got home, I took almost a three hour nap. I thought I would have problems going to sleep that night, but luckily I went right to sleep.
Dwayne worked in the hay field. I had a nice day to myself cleaning house and doing odd chores that have been neglected. I then relaxed in the pool for awhile. I fixed a nice supper and as a treat, cinnamon rolls. It seems that I only make cinnamon rolls for a funeral dinner or when we have company. Dwayne and April were surprised they had a whole pan made just for them.
I am so grateful to live in a country with the freedom to celebrate with family and friends.
I will add the picture of dad and Evan. I thought it uploaded to your facebook for you to grab off of there but looks like it didn't.
ReplyDeleteThank you, I have it changed now.