I don't thing we've ever had so many thunder storms in the month of July.
Tuesday of this week around 1:15 p.m. time for me to go to the bank, it started pouring down rain. I waited until 1:30 to leave thinking it would let up. No such luck. I borrowed Sheila's sweatshirt jacket and threw over my head and away I went.
I got drenched!! It was raining so hard it even blew in my truck door as I got in.
Could barely see to drive, it was raining so hard. I get about two miles north of Vienna and it's not raining. I get to the bank in Freeburg and they wondered why I looked like a drenched rat as the sun is shining. I don't think they really believed me that it rained so hard in Vienna until they got the deposit slip and checks and they were still damp. (although I tried to keep them dry under the jacket)
Last night, I decided to beat the weekend rush and go to Wal-Mart and buy groceries and the items needed to make Dwayne his birthday supper of lasagna and delicious cake. (I will post pictures and recipes Monday)
On the way in to town I hear on the radio there is a storm in central Pulaski County with high winds, rain and hail. No problem, I'm in Phelps County and it will be awhile before it heads our way. When I got to Wal-Mart the sky to the west had some scary looking black clouds. I briefly wondered if a tornado was coming. When I'm about half done buying my groceries the storm hit Rolla. The rain and thunder were very loud even in the store. As I finished up I didn't want to go out in the rain so I just wondered around browsing. Then the power went out!! Nothing scarier than being in a dark store with a bunch of strangers!! There was a few emergency type lights that came on and the clerks were going around with flashlights. I immediately headed up front and went to a checkout aisle as I figured I'd be safe there. A clerk had me go ahead and checkout as the registers were still working but not the conveyer belt. They used flashlights to help me unload and checkout. As I'm checking out they come over the intercom (is that still a word in high tech technology anymore?) and state all customers are to leave, they are evacuating the building. I'm thinking, now if there is a tornado they wouldn't have us leave so what are we to do. People were getting pretty angry as you could not see across the parking lot it was raining so hard, not to mention the lightning. I waited in front of the door with a couple who had just checked out and look respectable. The lady said that last year she was there when there was a tornado warning and they made everyone come to the back of the store. She said at that time, people were wanting to leave and they wouldn't let them.
They are still issuing orders for people to evacuate now and if you have a cart full, just leave it and come to the front of the store. I understand they didn't want a lot of theft going on but outside looked pretty dangerous to send people out in. It slacked up a little (very little) so I head to the truck. I sloshed through water and all of my groceries were soaking wet. Lots of fun to unload!!
This storm reminded me of a time when April was younger and when the power went out at the old Wal-Mart. There were no emergency lights then and total darkness. only April still remembers how scary it was.
Even though it was only 7 o'clock at this time, it was very dark. Surprisingly, I hadn't drove very far and that part of town had power. I was afraid Wildcat Creek would be up on Hwy E as I headed home. Luckily, it water wasn't up as I did not want to have to drive all the way around through Vichy to get home.
When I got home, I carried in a few groceries and let Dwayne get the rest as I was drenched and cold. After I changed clothes, I went in and took the now wet groceries out of the bags and put away and mopping up puddles on the floor and countertops. For some reason, I didn't get upset about it all, just seemed like part of life's adventures. Wish I could be calm like that in other situations.
Around 9:30, my Mom calls me. Nothing wrong with that, it's just they are usually asleep by then. Mom asked if I was okay and that she needed to hear my voice. While talking, she mentioned how happy she was; her and Dad have relatively good health, a home that is paid for and a wonderful family. It scared me her talking that way. I thought, is something going to happen to me or Mom. Weird thinking, I know but that's what popped into my mind. Love my Momma very much and cherish this conversation.
I am very grateful the storm wasn't any worse and that all turned out well.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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