Dwayne power-washed the front porch and I did some Spring cleaning upstairs. I seldom clean the upstairs since the kids have all moved out. I like to give each room in the house a thorough cleaning each Spring, wipe down the walls, shampoo carpets, wash windows and cleaning behind furniture. Somehow it makes me feel better to start fresh each Spring with a clean house, reduces cobwebs in the house and in my mind.
Saturday evening we went to a friend's house for barbecue. We had a great time visiting with friends we hadn't seen in awhile.
I played hooky from church, shouldn't have but I did.
I baked a cake and casserole to take up to Mom's for dinner. Judy fixed chicken-n-dumplings and we all brought in side dishes. Mom has not been feeling well so we are taking over the cooking on Sundays to give Mom a break. It was so nice outside, we sat on the porch visiting after dinner.
Dwayne and Zach hauled some wood over to the lake in Vichy for our pig roast next month. They spent the afternoon fishing at the lake. They didn't have much luck but Zach certainly enjoyed himself.
April, Mike and I met Dwayne and Zach at Vichy Wye for supper. Zach was having a hard time eating his hamburger as they're quite large so April told him to cut it in half and it would be easier to hold. He told me on the way home from school last night that April had a good idea to make his hamburger the right size to eat. She only meant for him to eat half at a time but he thought she meant he couldn't eat anymore than that. He's so cute and it takes him forever to tell a story, you almost want to finish his sentences for him. He kept us entertained as we ate and enjoyed all the attention of being the only niece or nephew present.
Sunday evening we watched the new episode of Army Wives. I love that show but it seems like it is over before an hour has passed. I think they should make it a two hour show. Guess they couldn't keep the season going that long if they did that.
I went to the chiropractor first thing before going to work. I had messed up my back when I fell down the stairs in January. It is getting much better since I've gone for treatments. I now have a lot more sympathy for people with back pain. The saying about walking a mile in someone else's shoes before judging applies to several different aspects of life.
Work was pretty busy as we have three people out for a few days.
Judy took Mom to Springfield to see her cardiologist as she's not been feeling well this winter.
They took blood work and ordered some more tests for later in the month. So far, everything is looking good. There is some thickening in the heart muscle but with her age and heart history, that is normal.
The weather has been so nice and I've really enjoyed the outdoors and being with family.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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