Dwayne's cousin, Mark Carroll and his friend Susie surprised us Friday evening with a visit. Mark lives in IL and had come down to put flowers on his Mom's grave. We had a great time visiting, it seemed we all wanted to talk at once. April was still at home when they got there so they got to see her before she left. Todd stopped by to get this birthday card and money and visited with them for awhile. Chad was going to come up but we were leaving to take them out to eat at a local barbecue place, Randy's Roadkill Grill. They were extremely busy so we had to wait almost two hours for our food. Since we hadn't seen Mark in quite awhile we had a lot of visiting to catch up on while we waited for our food. We then took them down to Chad's house for a visit. Never a dull moment around Desmon, kept us all entertained.

Nathan Steven Allen
Dwayne and Mark got up early and went mushroom hunting. While in Vichy, they picked Nathan up from Kenny and Shelley's. Shelley was in a wedding and we watched Nathan Saturday night for them. It's no chore as he is such a delightful baby.
Dwayne fried up the mushrooms for us for breakfast. Mark and Susie left to fish over at the lake before they headed back to IL.
Saturday afternoon, my cousin Ron York and his wife Martha arrived from OR. They had stopped to see Mom in the hospital on their way to the house. Wayne and Bobbie came down and took them to Sybil's in St. James for dinner and to the Havener Center in Rolla to show them the paintings Wayne has on display there. We spent the rest of the evening on the front porch sampling St. James wine. Wayne, Ron and Martha preferred the dry wine while Dwayne, Bobbie and I enjoyed the sweet wine. April told me today that St. James Winery got second place in the country for their grade of wine.
Dwayne fixed breakfast for Ron and Martha before they left for Rolla and to go by and visit Mom again. While they were gone, Kenny and Shelley came by to pick up Nathan. He was all smiles when he saw them. We never had any problems with him at all.
Since my cousin was here from Oregon, we had planned a Williams Family Reunion or as Mom's side of the family calls them, a cousin party. I was so disappointed Mom was unable to be there. We had a total of sixty family members present for the day. Everyone seemed to have a good time and the kids were very excited that Chad and Todd rode their horses over and gave rides.

Judy, Kate and Connie (I'm still waiting for April to get a camera that doesn't add at least twenty pounds to a person!!)

Connie, Judy, Dad, Wayne, Kate (We certainly missed Mom being there)


More Cousins

Troy and Wayne, Jr.


Ashlyn and Lizzy
Dwayne and I went up Sunday evening to visit Mom. She was doing much better and had been moved from ICU to a step-down unit. She was in good spirits even though she missed out on the day. When we got back some of the family was still there and we spent the rest of the evening visiting.
I had planned on coming to work an hour later so I could visit with Ron and Martha and see them off. We had a nice visit and look forward to them coming again in the fall.
Although I was a little tired last night, it was so worth it to see and visit with my family and have everyone gather at my house. I feel so blessed.
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