Dwayne "worshed" the windows and April washed the windows. We hicks say worshed. Todd is the most hick sounding of our three kids and even he says washed!! He says there is not a r in washed, maybe not, but that's how we pronounce it. LOL
Dwayne has done so many of my spring jobs this year, things he's never done before. Like worshing windows. We've been married close to thirty-three years and this is a first. They were pretty dirty with soap and water spots from when he power-washed the siding and decks.
He's also cleaned the leaves out of my flower beds and helped with some of the spring cleaning around the house. Dwayne is afraid I will have another flare-up so he is taking over my heavier chores around the house. I so appreciate the help, but the old fashioned part of me being the "housewife", I feel guilty that he's doing these chores. I am trying to learn to relax and let go.
I finished up the upstairs bathroom and bedroom getting them ready for company this weekend.
My cousin, Ron York and his wife Martha, are coming in from Oregon for a couple days. We're having a family reunion or as Mom's family calls it, cousin party, on Sunday afternoon. I'm looking forward to seeing cousins I haven't seen in quite some time. I just hope Mom will be able to get out of the hospital Sunday morning.
The day was tense as my Mom was admitted to the hospital for a blood clot in her lung. Mom has been having difficulty in breathing the past couple months. We were so fortunate that a local doctor could see her distress and sent her to Springfield to the cardiologist the next day. Blood tests revealed elevation in her bloodwork that idicated heart problems and the possiblity of a blood clot. Dad took Mom in yesterday morning to Phelps County Hospital for a CT and it revealed not one, but two blood clots, one in each lung!! They immediately put her in ICU and started blood thinners. When I went up to see her last night she was sitting up in bed and looked so much better than she had earlier. Her color was good and her face not so puffy as she also had fluid building up around her heart. No wonder she was having difficulty breathing and chest pains. I felt so much better after seeing her.
I then went to good old Wal-Mart's to buy groceries for the weekend. I bought so much my cart was overflowing, don't know how I managed to get it all in one cart. Luckily, I did not have to unload the groceries when I got home as Dwayne and April did that chore. April even put away most of it. I was so tired I went to bed early.
A good night's sleep makes a person feel so much better the next day. We have a meeting at work today so I had to dress up instead of wearing my usual jeans to work. It is nice to dress up once in a while.
My mind is racing with all that will be going on this weekend. Tomorrow will be my baby son, Todd's 29th birthday!!! So hard to believe he will be that old, makes me feel even older.
Ron and Martha will come in mid-afternoon and Wayne and Bobbie are taking them to Sybil's to eat tomorrow night. We will then have a nice evening visiting.
We're watching our friend's baby, Nathan over the weekend. We're excited to see him as it's been a couple weeks or more since we last saw him. Dwayne is like a kid in a candy shop, he's been counting down the days until Nathan comes down. LOL Dwayne and April have already set up the playpen in our room for his visit. He's a good baby and we will enjoy our time with him.
As much as I worry about my Mom's health, I am extremely grateful to have had such loving parents as long as I have. Family is the most important part of life along with worshipping God in the blessings he has bestowed upon us.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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