Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Big day for the deer hunters.  They start off the season with a big cookout.  I have to make my yearly calico beans for them.  They have a really good time.

April and the kids came over for the day.  I think I now have Cash spoiled and I'm paying for it.  lol  First thing, tea party.  Then we have several other routines we go through and he doesn't forget if I try to get out of one.  We're playing in the basement.

Dad came down for a visit.  He usually does when April and the kids come down.

Dwayne came home mid-morning.  His knees got to hurting too bad to deer hunt.
Around 3:30, I left to go to the fall supper at church.  I worked in the dessert corner with Judy Honse.
It's always good to visit with the people coming through the line.  I got a carry out plate.  We always have such good food.  Unfortunately, I got sick during the night.  I have talked to a couple other people that also got sick.  I hope not many of our customers got sick from the food.
I had planned on going to church but stayed home instead since I still wasn't feeling well.  Dwayne didn't even get out hunting.  He rested all day.  Needless to say, it was a quiet, restful day at our house.

I am grateful for the family and that the deer hunters had a safe weekend.

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