Liz and Nate came over to spend the night. Nathan had a "baby" with him for child development class. I think this is a very good idea. They find out a baby isn't all cute and fun; there is work involved and commitment all the time. I had to go to Wal-Mart to buy groceries and I didn't want to take the "baby". Dwayne agreed to watch him. Dwayne named him Hank. When we got home it was so cute to see Dwayne asleep in the rocking chair with Hank on his shoulder. I wish I had a picture.
Hank kept Nathan up quite a bit during the night and he was exhausted. lol Nate had to work so Lizzy watched the baby for the day. We worked up at the rental house. The previous renters left a mess. So fun to be a landlord........ Hank cried off and on all afternoon. Lizzy would have to give it a bottle, change it's diaper, etc. What a good form of future birth control. Dwayne was busy putting in new steps and a railing to the upstairs.
Nathan came home from work and went to his grandma's for a nap before he came to get Hank. I think that's cheating as a mother doesn't get that opportunity.
We were exhausted that evening, had hamburger and fries, watched TV and went to bed early.
The 6th was Daddy's 92nd birthday. We had a big dinner for him at Broadway Baptist Church and went to church with him before the dinner. Once again, I didn't get a picture. We had alot of relatives there and one man who was 94 came to visit Dad. They had worked together years ago at Holsum Bakery in Rolla. It was so nice of his son to bring him over.
Dwayne, Liz and I went back to work on the house. I really didn't do much as I was too tired. (Good excuse anyway)
Dwayne had to have double knee surgery done at 8 a.m. It was originally scheduled for 10:30 a.m. but Friday night, Dwayne told me they called and changed it to 8. He didn't remember telling me that. (which is not unusual, he forgets a lot of things) He thought sure we were going to have to wait hours before they even started the surgery. I think he was pretty surprised when they called his name right after we checked in. The surgery didn't take along. I was worried about him walking up the stairs into the house. He used crutches and gently jumped up each set of stairs. They sent home two huge containers you put ice and water in. They get hooked up to a circulated bag around each knee. You have to put in new nice every few hours. We only used it a couple days and then Dwayne just started using the soft gel ice pack we already had. Now we get to keep these lovely machines. Dwayne got around with the walker pretty good. By Tuesday afternoon, he was walking without it. I know it was only microscopic surgery for the tears in each knee but I still thought he would have had a harder time with it.
I am grateful Dwayne's surgery went well and that we got the house rented out.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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