Monday, November 21, 2016

Weekend Update:

Dwayne went to deer camp and I went to Wal-Mart to buy my Thanksgiving groceries.  I had a list but still missed some items.  Darn it!
I went up to the rental house to clean the bathrooms.  It took me about one and a half hour on each bathroom.  Don't understand how people can live like that.
Tried to take a nap in the late afternoon but Dwayne came in and woke me up.  Drats!!
 I was snoozing away.  I'm posting alot of pictures of deer camp.  This is my journal of life and each year I have it printed into a book.
Todd, Michelle, Chad
Dwayne, Braeden, Andy, Chad, Todd
My boys, Chad and Todd
Old cabin...
...makes a natural tree stand
Braeden and Desmon
My hubby
Dwayne, Desmon
Cookout, wood stump seats
Chris Roberts
Steven, Tim, Andy, Todd
Sleeping Quarters
The whole gang

Not sure what Dwayne was telling Chad, but must have been funny.

The guys have so much fun at deer camp.  Chad said it's not like it used to be.  Now wives and girlfriends come down and it's just not the same.  Sometimes we don't like changes.  (me, for one)

My family grew up going to Spring Creek Baptist Church.  It used to be an old country church a few miles from our house.  Now it has more than doubled in size.  Sunday, November 20th, they had a 125 year dedication.  All former members were invited.  Dad and I went.Kate, Paulie and McKenzie also went.  They did a presentation on several pastors though out the years.   They had a catered meal from Missouri Hick Barbecue.  Very good.

 After I dropped Dad off, I went to St. Elizabeth.  Iva is such a happy baby and now lets you hold her instead of just her Momma.  (She still keeps an eye on April, though)  Cash was asleep when I got there and he woke up roaring like a dinosaur.  We played for awhile and had a make-shift tea party.  April decided to do Christmas pictures of the kids while I was there.  Iva was all smiles and loved rocking in the rocking chair.  Cash wouldn't have any of it.  He cried because we were going to take pictures, he cried because he had to change clothes.  Basically, he was just being a little ornery.  That's where the tea party came in.  I told him we'd have a tea party if he would be good for April to take pictures.  He said okay.  Worked like a charm.  But by then Iva was having none of it.  April decided she'd wait until another day to get pictures done.  She got some really good ones of Iva by herself.
Miss Personality
Something was funny.

I had a great time visiting these little guys.  Loved going over there.  Worth the forty-five minute drive.
Spent the evening watching TV with Dwayne.  He plans on going to work Monday.  We shall see.  It's only been two weeks since his double knee surgery.

I am grateful for the many memories made this weekend.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


Big day for the deer hunters.  They start off the season with a big cookout.  I have to make my yearly calico beans for them.  They have a really good time.

April and the kids came over for the day.  I think I now have Cash spoiled and I'm paying for it.  lol  First thing, tea party.  Then we have several other routines we go through and he doesn't forget if I try to get out of one.  We're playing in the basement.

Dad came down for a visit.  He usually does when April and the kids come down.

Dwayne came home mid-morning.  His knees got to hurting too bad to deer hunt.
Around 3:30, I left to go to the fall supper at church.  I worked in the dessert corner with Judy Honse.
It's always good to visit with the people coming through the line.  I got a carry out plate.  We always have such good food.  Unfortunately, I got sick during the night.  I have talked to a couple other people that also got sick.  I hope not many of our customers got sick from the food.
I had planned on going to church but stayed home instead since I still wasn't feeling well.  Dwayne didn't even get out hunting.  He rested all day.  Needless to say, it was a quiet, restful day at our house.

I am grateful for the family and that the deer hunters had a safe weekend.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Weekend Update:

Liz and Nate came over to spend the night.  Nathan had a "baby" with him for child development class.  I think this is a very good idea.  They find out a baby isn't all cute and fun; there is work involved and commitment all the time.  I had to go to Wal-Mart to buy groceries and I didn't want to take the "baby".  Dwayne agreed to watch him.  Dwayne named him Hank.  When we got home it was so cute to see Dwayne asleep in the rocking chair with Hank on his shoulder.  I wish I had a picture.
Hank kept Nathan up quite a bit during the night and he was exhausted.  lol  Nate had to work so Lizzy watched the baby for the day.  We worked up at the rental house.  The previous renters left a mess.  So fun to be a landlord........  Hank cried off and on all afternoon.  Lizzy would have to give it a bottle, change it's diaper, etc.  What a good form of future birth control.  Dwayne was busy putting in new steps and a railing to the upstairs.
Nathan came home from work and went to his grandma's for a nap before he came to get Hank.  I think that's cheating as a mother doesn't get that opportunity.
We were exhausted that evening, had hamburger and fries, watched TV and went to bed early.
The 6th was Daddy's 92nd birthday.  We had a big dinner for him at Broadway Baptist Church and went to church with him before the dinner. Once again, I didn't get a picture.  We had alot of relatives there and one man who was 94 came to visit Dad.  They had worked together years ago at Holsum Bakery in Rolla.  It was so nice of his son to bring him over.
Dwayne, Liz and I went back to work on the house.  I really didn't do much as I was too tired.  (Good excuse anyway)
Dwayne had to have double knee surgery done at 8 a.m.  It was originally scheduled for 10:30 a.m. but Friday night, Dwayne told me they called and changed it to 8.  He didn't remember telling me that. (which is not unusual, he forgets a lot of things)  He thought sure we were going to have to wait hours before they even started the surgery.  I think he was pretty surprised when they called his name right after we checked in.  The surgery didn't take along.  I was worried about him walking up the stairs into the house.  He used crutches and gently jumped up each set of stairs.  They sent home two huge containers you put ice and water in.  They get hooked up to a circulated bag around each knee.  You have to put in new nice every few hours.  We only used it a couple days and then Dwayne just started using the soft gel ice pack we already had.  Now we get to keep these lovely machines.  Dwayne got around with the walker pretty good.  By Tuesday afternoon, he was walking without it.  I know it was only microscopic surgery for the tears in each knee but I still thought he would have had a harder time with it.

I am grateful Dwayne's surgery went well and that we got the house rented out.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Busy Week:

Loading calves with Dwayne to sell.  We realized we didn't have a license plate on the trailer, so we made a mad dash to Vienna and back hoping not to get pulled over.  Whew, we made it!!
Liz and Nate came over for their card night.  They're growing up on me.
I had the day off and my wonderful daughter-in-law, Michelle took me out to lunch.  We stayed at Checo's for almost three hours visiting.  A trip to MFA and then Dollar Store.  Naturally I had to buy something since I was there.  Overall great day!
Had two separate emails on part-time work.  Very exciting.  Hope something pans out.
Weekly Visit:

Cash is going thru a phase of not wanting his picture taken.
Probably the most I've ever held Iva at one time.  Usually, she wants her Momma.  Cash and I played our usual games and routines.  He never forgets week to week the routine we have down.

I am grateful for this week and especially for my family.

Thursday, November 3, 2016


The 28th was the anniversary date of Mom's death.  We took Dad out to eat at the Vichy Wye Cafe.
Russ lives too far away to make it.  We had a good time visiting.  It was a bittersweet day.
Me, Judy, Dad and Katie

I started two years ago refinishing my front door on the outside.  I have to use a gel stain as the door is fiberglass.  I had the time and thought Saturday would be perfect as it was so nice out.  Wrong!!  It was a little windy or at least I'm blaming it on the wind........  One you apply the gel stain, you have a short period of time to move the stain about.  I was having a hard time with it but thought it looked ok-until the next day when I saw it.  It is horrible!!   You can see the brush marks and there is excess in some areas.  Pretty frustrated with it.  Not sure if I should try to touch it up or just paint the door.
Dwayne worked on the rental house hauling trash all day.  Ugh, frustrating!
Worked at home and then went and cleaned some on the rental.

I am grateful we were together for Dad on Friday and that overall it was a good evening out.