We went to a close family friend and neighbor my whole life, Maxine Workman's visitation and Eastern Star Service. Maxine was loved by many which was evident by the crown and the tremendous amount of flowers sent.
We then went to Sput's for supper and home to watch a movie.
I am so not a morning person, I was so glad I made my covered dishes the night before. We headed into Vienna as Dwayne had some errands to run before we went to the funeral. Once again, there was a big crowd in attendance. Pastor Rebecca did a good job on the service. We then followed the funeral procession out to the Davis Cemetery out by our house. A somber service was held there and then we all headed back to the church for a meal. The ladies outdid themselves; we had enough food to feed an army. After visiting with family and friends we headed home.
After feeding the cows Dwayne and Zach spent the evening relaxing and watching TV. I went to Wal-Mart to buy a few things, especially a new coffee pot as mine has been overheating. It even steamed my cabinets up to where I'm not sure I can get the finish back to normal. I took a loonnnng winter nap and woke up in time to watch TV for a couple hours and then back to bed.
Zach and I were the first ones up so we helped ourselves to cinnamon rolls and coffee. As if that wasn't enough to eat, when Dwayne got up he fixed us a huge breakfast of bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast. We sure got our fill of good food over that weekend.
I went to church and Dwayne and Zach did some much needed chores around the house.
After church, I started in on a baby quilt I had started. After ripping out a few seams...........UGH! I was able to get it sewn together. Now all I need to do is snip the edges, which is quite a tedious job.
Watched a little TV with Dwayne and called it an early night.
I am grateful for the opportunity to honor Maxine at her funeral and for the monotonous days of just doing mundane chores around the house.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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