Valentine's Day after 36 years of marriage was spent apart. lol Actually, we celebrated the night before. We thought we would beat the crowd on Valentine's Day, the joke was on us. As we were waiting for our table several other couples waiting said they had the same idea. Huge crowd!
But we did spend the evening apart. Dwayne with Chad, Todd, and Tim playing poker and me at home watching chic flicks. A good time was had by all!!
We bought a John Deere tractor (used, of course). I knew Dwayne had an ulterior motive when he agreed so quick to me going to Alaska. lol No, really he didn't care at all. His Mom always went on trips with his Dad so he thinks nothing of it. Plus, I've had a really bad year health wise and he's happy I'm feeling better and glad I got the chance of a lifetime to go to Alaska.
We saw Todd Schoene in town and he told us Maxine Workman was worse and they were taking her to the hospital in an hour. We decided to go by and visit. I'm so glad we did as she passed away on Monday. Even as sick as she was, she was still the gracious Maxine smiling and saying how glad she was to see us. I feel the worst for Pat as she gave up her life (willingly and as gracious as her Mom would be) to come home and care for her Mom the past few years. Pat never complained and it was round the clock care she gave Maxine. No one could have done a better job. Pat is having a hard time dealing with the events leading up to Maxine's death. I won't go into detail but the medical field did not do their job. If they had found that her hip was broke when she was there on last Tuesday, maybe they could have done something and she wouldn't have been in so much pain the last five days. It broke Pat's heart to hear her Mom screaming and there was nothing she could do about it.
Saturday night: Oh, what should I say about Saturday night? We had four visitors, Zach, Nathan, Lizzy and Gunner. We played cards and played cards........ The rest of the time was spent with Gunner putting on shows and keeping us entertained.
Anytime the kids stay over (and also the tradition when our kids were growing up) I fix chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast. This time it was a treat for me, too as Dwayne fixed them. After cleaning up the kitchen, we left for church. Zach stayed to help Uncle Dwayne cut a load of wood. Gunner was not too happy about it. He tried every trick in the book and then some to get out of it. He did not smile any on the way to church or during church. He did participate when he went up front for the children's sermon. I embarrassed the kids during Joy and Concern Time by getting up and saying I was joyful for my great niece and great nephews coming to church with me. I even said their names. Later during the sermon when Lizzy and Nathan started picking back and forth with each other and hitting, I informed them I was going to get up and say I had a concern with Lizzy and Nathan not behaving. They looked at me and said, "Oh, we promise to be good, please don't embarrass us again!" And they did behave.
After church, we stopped by the house to get their stuff and my covered dishes to take to Mom's for Sunday dinner. Can you believe my 84 year old Mom still has Sunday dinners? Not every Sunday like before but once a month. She provides the meat and potatoes and we all bring in dishes. We had a great day; we hadn't all been together for awhile.
Lizzy, Nathan and Desmon came back to the house and then my niece, Kayla and her kids, Mariah and Brighton came down. Desmon had fun playing with the kids. (Gail, your foose ball table sure got a workout). Kayla stayed a couple hours and we had a good visit. Was so nice as she's lived away from here for several years and just moved back about a year and a half ago. And now they're getting ready to move to Florida. Not that they really want to move but Anthony got a big job promotion and it's too good an opportunity to pass up. Will be a nice place to plan a vacation in the future. Tony came and picked his kids up and then the house got quiet; which was kind of nice after the noisy evening the night before and then the afternoon of kids running in the house. But I love it! That's the way it was when I was growing up. We always had company on Sundays.
Desmon had a meltdown after everyone left. I think he was just nervous if his Mom would pick him up at Chad's at eleven or leave him overnight. The poor little guy, he just needs consistency in his life. Zach drove and we took Desmon to Chad's and then dropped Zach off. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing.
I woke up sick. I tried to get up and get ready for work but I just couldn't do it.
If I thought I was sick Monday; that was nothing compared to Tuesday. I couldn't hardly get out of bed. The bed, bathroom and sleep was my whole day.
I felt better and went in to work. I only lasted until one o'clock. By then I started getting a cold. I could barely talk. Got some Mucinex D and that seems to be helping.
Feel really good today but still can't hardly talk. Some people would say that's a good thing. lol
But the work day has been crappy. My computer and printer are messed up. The computer guy worked on them almost all day. Since I couldn't do my work, I went into town and visited with Pat. She's doing pretty good but still needs our prayers. She's still pretty angry at the care Maxine got at the hospital. Maxine did not deserve treatment like that.
Also, my son-in-law, Mike's Uncle Johnny died during the night in a house fire. His brother, Steve is a volunteer fireman and he was there when they found him. Steve is kind of sensitive and I know that image will stay with him forever. I ask for prayers for Steve and the whole Holtmeyer family.
Tonight: I think instead of a cold, I just have a lot of sinus drainage because I don't seem to have any cold symptoms other than my throat being clogged up. Soooo, we're going to see the baby tonight. We missed our Wednesday night visit as I wasn't well. We sure do look forward to our weekly visits and I think Cash is starting to recognize his Grandpa Dwayne. (and a lot of people have commented they think Cash looks like Dwayne). I will just have to wait for the next one to be Grandma's.
There has been so many deaths in our neighborhood the past few weeks. People, take the time to tell your loved ones you love them, even a sibling you might not be getting along well with. There isn't always a tomorrow and it's much better to live with a little discomfort at the time than living with regret after they're gone.
I am so grateful for my family and friends and all that God has given to me.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
You had such a busy weekend! Glad the table is getting used! Sorry you were fun there! Have a good visit tonight!