Last Thursday April text to see if we were going to be home Friday night. They were going to Moreland's to eat and they were going to run by with a package for me to send back to Buckle. I thought it was a little odd as I was going to St. Elizabeth on Saturday for us to go shopping and I also thought by the time they get done eating at Moreland's it would be getting a little late. But we always welcome a visit from the kids.
When they got there, April handed me a gift bag and send she forgot to give it to me. It looked like a Valentine's gift bag so I thought she was giving me a Valentine's card and gift. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up and it said "A New Grandchild"!! I started crying. I mean really crying!! I was so happy and I guess a little shocked but I don't remember ever crying like that at getting good news. I took it over to Dwayne and said, look!! April had told Mike one of us would probably cry but she thought it would be her dad. (not really cry but she figured he would get teary eyed) After my initial shock I also reached in the bag and pulled out the gift which was an ultra sound picture that said "Love at first site". The caption on the ultrasound said, "Hi Grandma & Grandpa!"
Dwayne and I have wanted grandchildren for years. Almost all of our friends have been grandparents for years. I've been buying baby clothes off and on since my great niece, Ashlyne was born and that was over sixteen years ago. Some of them have hung in the closet so long they are stiff and have turned yellow. And outdated!! It's been a joke in our family for quite some time about the number of baby shoes I've bought throughout the years.
April is pretty private with her thoughts and I would never ask her when they planned on having children. Secretly I was always afraid she might not be able to get pregnant. She has Hashimoto Thyroid Disease which can impair pregnancy but my most secret fear which I never shared with her until recently was from what the doctor said years ago when she had an inguinal hernia surgery. When he did the repair he said he also checked out her fallopian tubes and he said they looked fine. (I'm thinking, "What, she's only thirteen months old!") He was a good surgeon but it always bothered me that he might have caused scar tissue. He never even suggested that but that thought was stored in the back of my mind. I should trust God more. April is considered high risk because of the Hashimoto and will have to see a high risk doctor starting at 28 weeks but Dr. Su said she didn't foresee any complications as April's body is getting the hormones needed from the medicine she's been on for several years, it's more precautionary. I'm not worried about it and for me that's a big thing as I worry all the time. I need to practice more the saying, "Let Go and Let God".
As of right now, April and Mike have decided not to find out the sex of the baby. I think this surprised and shocked me more than that she was pregnant as April is a planner and always wants to know in advance how to plan an event, etc. Dwayne has always thought people shouldn't find out and be surprised at the birth, so he was happy. I don't know how I feel about not knowing, excited either way. I just assumed April would want to know. And she may still change her mind.
I am so grateful for this new blessing that will come into our life.
Congrats Grandma! It'll be worth the wait!
ReplyDeleteSoo very very happy for you!!!!!!