We started off the evening by watching my great nephew, Kaleb while his Mommy and brother went to a basketball game with Ashlyne and Zach. He was very good until April and Mike came by for a visit. Then he was into everything!! I don't know if we weren't paying enough attention to him or what.
Dwayne, Chad and Todd went to St. Elizabeth to get some hay from Mike's dad. The drought last summer depleted our pasture and hay.
I went to St. Elizabeth and April and I spent the day shopping in Jefferson City. My big expenditure for the day was a new door knob for the front door. Our bit the dust after twenty-seven years. Not too bad for lasting that long. I had spent A LOT of time refinishing our door a few years ago and now will have to find stain to touch up to get it to match as the pieces don't fit the same as the old one. Bummer! lol
I've not been sleeping well the past couple months so when I actually slept good during the night I didn't go to church as I kept dozing off. Not a good habit to get into.
We went to Mom and Dad's for the afternoon as she had cake and ice cream for the March birthdays.
Nice to visit with the ones that showed up.
Zach and Ashlyne came home with us for the evening. They are growing up so fast, sixteen and almost fifteen!! Judy came over and picked them up before I got "their" pizza done. I'll have to fix them one another time.
Dwayne went to bed early as he had to leave for Cape Girardeau early Monday morning. The job he's supposed to start on has been delayed due to the weather so rather than being off for several more weeks, he opted to stay out of town Monday through Thursday and get to work. At least it's not five days a week.
I am grateful for the times spent with family.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Be fun to see which one of the boys notices the new door knob first :)
ReplyDeleteI'm betting on Blake. lol