I went to church and then once again went visiting.
I visited with my good friend, Pat from childhood. Pat is such an amazing person. She came home from Vegas a few years ago to take care of her Mom. The first few years were more of a live-in companion and helping out. That changed in the past year as Maxine has had several more health issues and then a broken hip last Spring. She also has a feeding tube due to another health problem. Pat is so patient with her Mom and sees to her every need. The days are getting harder on her but she doesn't complain, she just says, "That's my mom." Not many people would be able to devote such loving care on a daily basis with the grace Pat has shown. I admire her very much.
Added to this stress, a couple weeks ago, she found her brother, Randy dead. Randy had been staying also recently to help with the lifting of Maxine. What a blow to the family and I know much harder on Pat than she lets on. Randy had been in poor health and almost two years ago wasn't expected to live, but many prayers and a long stay in the hospital he recovered. He had another bout this past Spring and came through once again. Those times were expected if he should die but this came about totally by surprise.
Think of my friend, Pat in your prayers. She's for sure following the Bible's rules of caring for your parent with grace and dignity. But she is getting tired, she doesn't want to admit it but she is getting worn out. I also worry about her after this all over, such dedicated care and constantly being with her Mom and then the ending. She will certainly feel such a loss of her mother but also a total change in her life.
That afternoon, I put a roast on for supper. Chad and Todd came up and we had the best visit. They stayed for four hours or more. They had been helping Dwayne cut wood all day and as soon as Dwayne pulled in with a load, both boys were up and out the back door to help him split it. Good boys, or I guess I should now say good men. They aren't my little boys anymore, but in my heart they always will be. And there is not a time that I see Chad I don't get a big hug and Todd is getting better and hugs me by each time he comes over.
I am grateful for my family and our good friends and neighbors, the Workman's and pray for them for all they've gone through.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
I hate this for Chad. I've always thought that he was a good guy - always very friendly. I could see at the funeral how much Desmon loved him - and how close Chad is with him. I hope he finds work soon!
ReplyDeleteOops - I posted this on the wrong entry : )
ReplyDeleteThat's okay, I still appreciate your thoughts. Yeah, Chad is having a hard time financially right now. I hope and pray he gets this job.
ReplyDeleteYeah, he loves Desmon very much.