Last Friday was a very eventful and fun day. It started out with me being excited to go to lunch later in the day with some friends.
This excitement faded as I walked in the door at work. Sheila asks me for the money bag? Uh, money bag, it's at home under my mattress!! I couldn't believe I forgot it. I am seldom in charge of the money bag and if I am, I go to sleep telling myself over and over, do not forget the money bag in the morning. I say, I'll just run back home and get it. Whoops!! I had brought Dwayne's truck in to have serviced at Weidinger's and as I look out the door they are already picking it up. John says, that's okay, you can take my truck. Just don't hit any deer along the way. (He had just hit a huge buck a couple weeks ago and did alot of damage to his truck). So, off I go home to get the money bag. Luckily, I did not see any deer along the way.
My friends were to pick me up at 11 for lunch, so I had to get busy to get some work done for the morning.
Kay, Ruthie and my ex-sister-in-law, Marilyn arrive promptly at 11 and off we went. I think there were constant conversations overlapping each other on the way over to St. James. We all had so much to say.
We went to the gift shop by Sybil's to look around. I had never been in there before. Very tastefully decorated and many gifts to choose from. Also, very tasty dessert samples!!
We then walked on over to the restaurant for lunch. When we sit down, Marilyn looks around and says, is it old lady day or what? Only Marilyn!! (and it did seem to be several tables of older ladies but also several tables of our age, so what does that tell you?) We were celebrating Marilyn's birthday. We had so much fun visiting and laughing. Laughter for sure is the best medicine!! We all had a great time and decided we needed to do this for Ruthie's birthday, too. We then decided since it's so close to Christmas, we would make it for January.
I didn't get back to work until 2 o'clock!! I asked my bosses what they thought of me taking a three hour lunch and they just laughed. (They are very lenient). But I still had quite a bit of work to do in a short time.
My niece, Lizzy got off the bus at my work as she needed to be in town at 5:30 for a Junior Deputy Program at the courthouse. Dwayne calls me around 4:30 and asks if I can come on home as he got off a little early and due to my Ford Edge driving so fast (?) he would be home at five. We were going to St. Elizabeth to Miss Kitty's for a surprise birthday party for Mike's 30th birthday. So, I go in ask John. "John, since I had to go back home this morning to get the money bag and then took a three hour lunch, do you care if I end the day by leaving a half an hour early?" He's like, go for it!
So off Lizzy and I go. Dwayne gets home, takes his shower and we rush off to try to get Lizzy back to Vienna by 5:30. Once again, Dwayne shows me just how fast my Ford Edge can go........ After showing off a little and me telling him we were responsible for an eleven year old in the back seat, he slowed down. Thank goodness!! lol Being a guy, Dwayne is constantly on the look out for deer along the road. I never understand him and the boys getting so excited to see a deer when we see them all the time. About that time, I yell, look out!! There is a guy standing in the middle of the road. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Apparently he was walking back across the road from getting his mail and for some odd reason he was just standing in the lane we were driving on.
(Maybe we blinded him with our headlights, like with a deer..Uh, I'm just joking on that) Dwayne swerved to the other side of the road and it was just like the guy kind of came to or whatever and started on toward his driveway. He kind of hopped as he ran, so I don't know if he had a hurt leg, was daydreaming, or what but thank goodness we didn't hit him. It's a dark road, he's dressed in dark camouflage and we had just came around a curve. Very scary.
We drop Lizzy off at the courthouse but I couldn't just let her go in by herself. I had to walk her down to the sheriff's office and check her in. I guess I was in there longer than I realized (talking, if you can imagine that!) as Dwayne came to the stairs and said, Connie,we really need to get going.
We got to Miss Kitty's on time but Mike was early so we missed the surprised look on his face. It was fun catching up with Mike's family and people we had met at the wedding. We have found St. Elizabeth to be a very friendly and welcoming community.
I was having a great time and not ready to leave yet but deer camp was calling Dwayne's name.
"Deer Camp Eve" seems to be the best time to be there and I was lucky Dwayne came with me to the party as he never misses the first night. Mike must rate as the number one son-in-law for Dwayne to come to his party.
After Dwayne got his stuff ready and left for deer camp, I watched TV for a little while and decided I had worn myself out today and was ready for bed. And here I had planned on staying up late and reading.
I am grateful for a great job (most of the, friends to go out with, a son-in-law's (still getting used to saying that phrase) birthday party and a husband who put other important events ahead of first night of deer camp.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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