Dwayne went with me to buy groceries as I'm still not suppose to lift over ten pounds until my six weeks are up. I do most everything with my arm without thinking but do try to limit the weight as I don't want to pull anything loose.
People are amazed at how well I'm doing, they think I didn't even get the surgery done. The Physical Therapist said I'm about six weeks ahead of schedule on movement. I contribute my success to the surgeon, Dr. Galbreth and also the chair they sent out for me to use. I faithfully used it for one hour at a time three times a day. It increased the motion by five degrees at each setting. Other than the emotional upheaval it caused to my system, I hardly notice I had surgery.
I've been pretty antsy lately and can't seem to just at home. Drove to the field where Dwayne was working but went to the wrong one, had to call Chad to see where he was. Went and visited him for a few minutes then headed back home. As I was pulling in the driveway, I thought-hey go visit your new neighbors. They have to be lonely as her husband is in Saudi Arabia right now. I got there as they were getting ready to eat lunch and she invited me to stay and eat a German meal with them. I felt like I was intruding but she said no, they were happy to have company. It was a pleasant visit getting to know Nadine and her four children. I hope to have many more visits with them.
I went home and got ready to go to my cousin's for a baby shower. Stopped and picked up Mom and off we went. They have a new double wide and we had never seen it before. It is huge! 30x70 It has a nice layout to it tons of room. Seems kind of odd to go from a small trailer while raising kids to a huge home with four bedrooms after they're grown, but it makes for a lot of room when they all come home to visit. Mindy received many nice gifts. There was a six month old baby there that was the most pleasant little guy. He's very small for his age and crawls everywhere. He crawled over to Mom and let her rock and cuddle him for quite awhile.
After I got home, Dwayne wasn't there yet. Usually I like being home by myself but for some reason I don't like to right now. So back in the car I got and went down to visit my neighbors, Charles and Bev. We had a nice visit and they seem to be doing so much better.
Dwayne pulled in the driveway right after I did. We had supper of ham 'n beans and fried potatoes, one of Dwayne's favorites.
I then boiled a chicken for my dinner the next day, cleaned the kitchen and spent the rest of the evening reading a book.
I went to church and Dwayne finished up in the field. I then fixed our meal for the kids coming over.
We had a chicken Mexican dish, corn, salad, crescent rolls and homemade cinnamon rolls. I love it when all the kids can be there. I had wanted to play cards but it was so nice out I suggested we take a drive down to Nagagomi to show Mike the Gasconade River as he'd never been that way. I miss taking our boat out as we did most weekends when the kids were growing up. I tried to talk Dwayne into getting another boat but he's not too interested.
We then stopped to visit with Mom and Dad. Mom was hoping Mike had some corn cobs for her to make corn cob jelly with. They didn't save any this year but he's checking into getting some for her.
We then headed home and April and I cleaned the kitchen then it was time for them to go on home.
I love our times spent together.
I am grateful for the visits with family, friends and neighbors.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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