Saturday we had a Feeler Family Reunion in Rolla. Nice to catch up with family you don't see but maybe once a year. There wasn't a very big turnout this year.
Sunday I went to church and then Dwayne and I headed to Vichy for an auction. The Mitchell's live next door to my in-law's house. They were selling all the household items and the house. I still get a little tired easy since I had my shoulder surgery so we left mid-afternoon. We then headed over to Mike & Susan's for awhile to visit Carrie and the kids. Evan and Avery call Dwayne the cowboy and are always excited to see him and try to steal his hat. Susan said at April's wedding they couldn't find the cowboy and the other cowboys. (Dwayne is the cowboy and Chad and Todd are the other ones. lol) Dwayne didn't have his hat on in the church so they didn't recognize him. Ellie is now two and turning into quite the little girly girl.
We headed home to unload Dwayne's "finds" at the auction. We had debated over taking the car or his truck and somehow we went out he front door and took the car. Bummer!! As Dwayne bought stove pipe, misc. items for deer camp, etc. Just a couple months ago I wouldn't have let him load that in my new Edge. I guess the new is wearing off a little.
We then headed into town to grab a sandwich and gas for the tractor and lawn mower. Finished off the evening watching TV and a short visit from Judy, Nathan and Lizzy.
I am glad to be at work today and a little more back into a routine. This surgery has done a number on my emotions. Has anyone else gone through something similar following a surgery? I've had major adrenal surgery in the past and didn't experience all of this anxiety and turmoil but this one sure has done it.
I am grateful for life and my family
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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