The past weekend was very busy.
Ended the work day by going by G & W to pick up pork steaks for Sunday dinner. Seemed to be everyone's stop on their way home from work. I had to wait in line quite awhile to pick up fried chicken for supper and then even longer to check out. They had installed new electronic cash registers and seemed to be having a bit of problems with them.
Dwayne and I sat down to eat and then received a call from our neighbors asking if we were going to be home. They brought April and Mike a wedding gift and visited for a couple hours. As they were leaving, Chad and Desmon came by. Desmon goes straight for the toys and plays with them for awhile. All of a sudden, he picks them all up and says, "Chadley, I'm ready to go now". He had a movie he wanted to watch at Chad's.
Dwayne left to mow down some hay and Chad came over to mow our yard for us. We haven't mowed much at all this summer and it was looking pretty straggly. Desmon was with him and helped clean up the limbs in the yard. Des wanted something to eat but not anything sweet. That is most unusual-no sweets!! I told him I would fix him and Chad bacon and eggs. He wanted to help so I set him up to butter the toast, but he really wanted to help me fry eggs. Okay, this will take longer and maybe try my patience, but it's a big deal to him. He tries to crack the egg open on the counter and didn't succeed too well. The poor kid (or poor me for the cleanup....) cracked the egg and the shell flew up in the air and the egg was all over the counter, running down the cabinet and onto the floor.
He looked up at me expecting me to yell at him, but I had my patience card in and said, "that's okay, we all make messes". Inside I was thinking, oh great, my clean floor and the stickiness of the egg goo that is already being tracked by my bare feet. Then as I was getting ready to break open the other eggs, I noticed the shell halves had landed in the skillet. I jokingly told Desmon he had it backwards, the egg goes in the skillet-not the shells. He then knew for sure I wasn't mad as we were joking about it.
Desmon and I went to visit Mom and Dad and just hung out on the porch the rest of the afternoon watching Chad. He did an excellent job on the yard.
Dwayne and I were going to run in to Rolla that evening to grab a bite to eat and pick up a few groceries. Not to happen!! We somehow had a blocked drain in the basement. When Dwayne walked in there was about two inches of water in the basement floor!! I had been wanting the basement carpets cleaned but this was ridiculous! Needless to say, Dwayne stayed home to work on the floor.
Lizzy and Nathan came by and wanted to go to town with me. We went to J.C. Penney's and Wal-Mart. They were looking for winter shirts. Liz is quite the little shopper, straight to the sell racks!! Nathan is the typical guy, likes the shirts but doesn't look at the prices. He had to put a couple back.
Nice having the kids along as they carried all the groceries in.
I really wanted to go to church but just couldn't get my food prepared and kitchen cleaned in time to go. Todd is usually our barbecuer but he was working. Chad brought his barbecue grill over on a trailer and barbecued from atop the trailer. Reminded me of a few years ago when a classmate of mine barbecued at the house for a class reunion, drove up in his truck with the grill on the back and just grilled from there instead of unloading the grill. Tim helped Chad grill and they did a very good job. Luckily, Todd was able to get away and come by and eat.
We always celebrate Mom and April's birthdays together. All of my siblings were there except for my brother, Russ. Most of the nieces and nephews were there also. We had a great afternoon of visiting.
Dwayne went back to the hayfield and Lizzy stayed with me for the afternoon. We drove down to Nagogami Lodge to look at the river. It was so clear and calm. I miss having a boat, we used to go to the river quite abit.
We hadn't been home long before Dwayne's cousin, Frankie, Chelsea and their two babies came for a visit. Graceson will be one on the 3rd of October and Karley was born the 13th of this month. She is such a tiny little thing and seemed very content. Graceson is a good little boy and entertains himself quite well. Lizzy called Dwayne to come in from the field as she knew he would want to see the babies. We then heated up leftover pork steak from dinner and had a nice visit around the kitchen table. Reminded me of times visiting with Frankie over the years at Dodie's.
I really need to charge the battery on my camera so I can record these special moments.
Overall it was a fun filled weekend with a lot of visits from family.
I am grateful for times like these.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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