The day before April's wedding was busy and seemed to go by in a flash. April and I had planned on getting our nails done on Wednesday but ran out of time. So we thought we would run to Jeff Thursday evening. Nix that idea, we were just too tired after decorating all day. Friday we HAD to get it done, plus buy plates for the reception. Either I forgot to order them or I misplaced the box they were in.
We leave for Jefferson City around 5:30 and it starts raining-alot! Then the sky gets really dark, limbs are falling off trees, the rain is coming down so hard I can barely see to drive. But we're on a mission-nails done, plates bought, last minute items to buy!! It even started to hail some and I thought why didn't we drive April's car instead of mine????? lol
We were so tired and I think just running on auto pilot. We went to Wal-Mart the stop shop to get it all done. I had no idea you could get your nails done at a Wal-Mart.
The guy (foreign) that did my nails kept having to tell me how to turn my hands, etc. He says (in halting English), you've never had your nails done before, have you? Uh, how did he know that. The super tired part of my brain wanted to respond "No, I'm a nail virgin" but where in the world did that come from in my mind? I don't talk like that. Thank goodness I didn't say it!!
As he was filing the ends of the nails he asked if I wanted them rounded. I tell him yes. I guess I must have looked like the round ended nail kind of gal. lol Afterwards, April asked me why I had them rounded and I told her that was what people used to do all the time and he asked me if I wanted them that way. Must be my age....... I did get alot of compliments on my nails so maybe I will bring the old type of filing back versus the square french tip. (or maybe I am the square)
We hurriedly picked up the plates and other items needed and headed back to St. Elizabeth to do final touch ups at the reception hall.
On our way back we look up and see a double rainbow. I tried to take a picture but didn't do too well and doesn't show it justice. Dwayne's cousin told us a double rainbow brings good luck.
After a whirlwind of activity over the past three days, the rainbow brought us back down to earth and to relax somewhat on the rest of the ride to St. Elizabeth.
I am grateful for the day we had the fun times to come in the future
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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