Last week, Nathan (my great nephew)sent me a message asking if "Grand Nonnie" aka me, would like to have a date night to see the new Cars 2 movie and he would pay for it. He knows I loved the first Cars movie, we used to watch it A LOT!! Naturally, Grand Nonnie said yes!! (Only, I didn't let him pay)
As it happened, Lizzy didn't get to go the carnival as she had planned so she came along on the date with Nathan and I.
As you can see from the pictures below, we had a great time.
I am most grateful for the loan of my sister's grandkids to enjoy. Thus, the "Grand Nonnie". Ashlyne started calling me Nonnie when she started talking. It stuck with the other kids, too. When Nathan found out I was his great aunt, he he labeled me "Grand" Nonnie. He was only around three at the time, I thought it was so cute.
(I guess I'm like the Grand Poompa!! lol)
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