Dwayne was sick last week (pneumonia) so our weekend was pretty lame. We stayed home Saturday so he could rest.
Sunday, I went to church. Liz and I were ushers and although it can be a little nerve-wracking, I think we did a pretty good job. (if I do have to say so myself lol)
It was also the first Sunday with our new pastor and his family. I enjoyed his sermon and think he is going to fit in just fine with our church family. He has a blog with more of his inforomation. mikehargraves.blogspot.com
Dwayne was feeling better when I got home so we went to Taco Bell and then over to Mike and Susan's to visit. Ryan and Carrie were down from Kansas City with their kids. Ryan had taken the boys to the river and we didn't get to see them. We only got to see this little cutie:

We visited for awhile and then stopped by Mom and Dad's on the way home. The rest of the afternoon, I read a book and just lazed around. Instead of me taking a Sunday afternoon nap, Dwayne did! Kind of a turn around for us but he has been pretty worn out from being sick.
I was pleasantly surprised as I was making my salad to take to Aunt Jessie's to have a visitor. None other than my first born, Chad Anthony.

Chad is always so busy with his place, HORSES and just living life, he doesn't stop by too often. We had a good visit with him for a couple hours before we went to Aunt Jessie's.
Elrod tradition is having a reunion on the 4th of July. Not the 5th or 3rd or whichever day is closer to a weekend, we have it on the 4th. That way you don't have to see if you have anything else going on over the holiday, you reserve the 4th for the reunion. The Elrod's are such a close family and everyone is genuinely glad to see and visit with the other family members. I have always felt so welcome by them.
Overall, we had a good weekend and are so grateful for family, friends, freedom and the great country we live in.
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