Saturday was Blake's 6th Birthday Party. Anna dropped Desmon off at the house and he went with me to the party. First we had to go to the field to see Mr. Dwayne and then on to visit Chad and Todd. We had all missed Desmon since he moved. Blake and Desmon are pretty good buddies and play so well with each other. They had a fun afternoon.
Blake's Birthday Cake: (#88 for his and Mike's favorite race car)
Dwayne with Elizabeth and Nathan: (He's a kid at heart)
One of the presents he opened:
Enjoying the afternoon:
The hit of the party, Trampoline!!:
Dwayne drove over separate as he had to go back and finish baling hay. Desmon and I stayed quite awhile and then we went to visit JuJu. JuJu is my sister, Judy who Desmon used to live by and absolutely loves her. I hadn't seen Ashlyne for for a few weeks so I was glad to see her. The kids went swimming in the swimming pool and then Zach went home with us.
Zach and Desmon had fun (as much as a 13 year old can have fun with a 6 year old for hours on end. They watched TV in the basement and "camped" out down there.
Sunday:The boys and I went to church and then came home to get ready for yet another birthday celebration. My cousin's husband turned 73 and her daughter 47. Hard to believe Marilyn is 47, I remember when she was born!! Now I sound like my older aunts talking......
We had quite the truck full on the way over to Mary Sue's. April, Troy, Zach, Ashlyne, Nathan, Lizzy, Desmon and me. It was gravel roads, so we cheated and let a couple kids ride in the back. Sometimes you just don't have a choice in vehicle space.
There was ALOT of people there and most I didn't know. My Dad is so funny. He's such a talker and knows most everybody in our community. He looked so lost when he came in and looked around the room. He goes, I don't know hardly anyone here. That's a first for Dad.
The kids had a blast with the water balloon sling shot. Perfect for a hot afternoon.
Ashlyne and Lizzy:
Dwayne was pretty worn out from being in the hayfield so I barbecued pork chops in the crock pot for supper. Yuck!! They didn't get tender and were dried out. Don't think I'll do that again. Chad was brush hogging and Mike was hauling hay so luckily they missed out on the dried out meat!! But, hey the rest of the meal was okay, especially the fried potatoes.
Grateful for the life I've been given? Yes, most definitely. Family, friends, celebrations, (food!!) and good times, that's how God would like us to enjoy our life.