Got off work a little early so I decided to head to Wal-Mart. Wrong idea!! I got there around five and the place was packed. Rushed through my shopping and got out of there!!
It's been almost three weeks since I fell down the steps. It is taking longer to "bounce" back than I thought it would. Delayed reaction, I guess, but the dizziness and nausea haven't left yet. I lazed around all day, watched TV, took my muscle relaxers and napped some. Such pretty weather and I'm stuck in the house.
I did fix supper which anymore consists of leftovers or filling our plates at the stove. I don't like cooking and setting the table for just the two of us but I am trying to change that. We started out with just us and I ALWAYS fixed a whole meal and we sat at the table. We would not have even thought about filling a plate and eating in the living room watching TV. After the boys left home, I got much more lax and occasionally, Dwayne, April and I would fill a plate and watch TV. We still had sit down meals the majority of the week but the easy way out started to become a habit.
Saturday night, I fixed lasagna for our Sunday evening family meal and a custard pie to take to Mom's for Sunday dinner.
I went to church and then to Mom and Dad's for dinner. Mom had most of it done before she went to church. We had beef stew and a variety of other side dishes.
The great nieces and nephews had such a good time together. Hard to believe some of them are teenagers and the others not too far behind. I love seeing and interacting with the kids at our family dinners.
Dwayne worked in the yard and me and my muscle relaxers took a nap.
Todd came over mid-afternoon and I enjoyed visiting with him. Chad was riding horses. Imagine that!! I really miss him coming to our family meals.
April and Mike came over later in the afternoon. We all watched TV and then had supper. I had made lasagna, salad, corn, crescent rolls and Mountain Dew Dumplings with ice cream for dessert.
April was sick with allergies so they didn't stay very late. Todd stayed and watched Army Wives with us and then left.
The evening ended on a sad note as Mom called and told me my cousin, Kenny William's son, Dustin Williams passed away Saturday. I'm not sure of Dustin's age but I think he was around 28 or 29. We don't see Kenny but a couple times a year but we always have a nice visit and him and Dwayne used to work together in St. Louis. Dustin was Kenny's only child. I talked to Kenny last night but he was not in much shape to talk. I feel so bad for him and his wife, Ann. Please keep Kenny and our family in your prayers.
Amidst the turmoils of life, we always have our family to rely on and I am most grateful.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
I didn't know grandma had dinner.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know until late Saturday night and I never got around to calling any of you three kids.