This is my Pop!!

(Couldn't find a picture of just Dad)

Well, another good day for the Feeler's!! Thank you, God.
My pop, (I don't usually call him that much, but I've noticed the last couple years I do that sometimes without even thinking. I think maybe because Mom and Dad always referred to my Grandpa as Pop, subtle memory, I guess) had to have an angiogram done today. We were worried about it with his age and the past couple years of his heart history. It went great and the blood flow from last year's stent is working very well. I have to say, this time I totally put it in God's hands and didn't worry too much. (Key word, too)
I am so grateful to still have my parents with me. My family is truly blessed.
I have a pic on my facebook, I believe under my "Spring Turtees" album from Easter of last year. It's a good picture of grandpa.
ReplyDeleteThank you, dear. I just might try that!!