I've not had much time to blog and now I don't even know where to start.
Zach came over to spend the night as he was helping Dwayne, Chad and Todd strip cane the next day. I think Dwayne really likes having Zach spend time with us, reminds him of when the boys were home and always helping him.
Slept late and spent the morning leisurely watching TV with April. Dad called around noon and said Mom was sick and asked if I could come up. I went and sat with Mom and Dad for a couple hours. Mom was sick with what we thought was the flu but when she saw the doctor on Monday, found out she has a kidney infection. She's been running a temperature since Friday. I was lucky that Dad called me in the afternoon, poor Judy got called early that morning and got the pleasure of cleaning everything up. I guess my legend of sleeping late and noone wants to call me early paid off this time.
I fixed chili and grilled cheese for Dwayne and the boys that evening, then went back up to check on Mom. Zach went to Vienna to the Coffee House, a teen hangout at the First Baptist Church in Vienna. Which reminds me of a story when he was younger. Zach was riding to church with me one Sunday and asked that if their church was First Baptist (and it's on the side of town towards our house) then was my church, Second Baptist (being on the other side of town). I shared the story with my Sunday School class and they all got a kick out of it. Some of them still ask about the boy that thought we were Second Baptist Church. (I go to Vienna Methodist Church)
Ashlyne was having her 14th birthday party at the Coffee House. Judy had asked me to come over and help chaperone but I was tired and didn't go. I now wish I would have just got ready and went. I've always been there for Ashlyne's party's and I would have enjoyed it. Kate and MacKensie went and helped out, so Judy did have help.
I went to church and when I got home, April and Dwayne were stuck in a movie that lasted three and a half hours. It didn't get over until 2:30 and I had to leave a little before two o'clock to go to one of my great niece's birthday party. Wayne,Jr.'s little girl Savannah Tate Feeler turned eight on the 25th of September.
Her Grandma Pat had a party for her at her house and we go each year. We really don't see Savannah but on her birthday or Christmas. Savannah is a very fun loving child, she just exudes her bubbly personality.
Dwayne barbecued pork steaks for supper. Chad was riding horses and Mike was farming so it was just Dwayne, Todd, April and me. We had a good meal and evening of visiting.
After checking on Mom again, we relaxed the rest of the evening.
I am grateful for my family and living close to them.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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