The week before Iron Works at Meramac Springs is a very hectic time at our house.
Last year, Dwayne was off work so it freed up time for him to make the many trips to St. James taking the press, pan, cane, etc. in the daytime. This year, it was much harder on him as after working 90 miles from home each day, he had to make the trip to Meramac Springs each night. Chad, Todd, Troy and Zach helped him.
Ashlyne, Zach and Tess spent the night with us. Zach usually gets the room upstairs with the TV, but I let Ashlyne and Tess have it this time which left Zach staying in the pink room. He didn't like that so he decided he should sleep on the couch so it would be easier for Uncle Dwayne to wake him up. Pretty good plan.......
Meramac Springs, St. James, MO:

Lizzie came by to ride with us but when she found out April was also driving, she decided she would much rather go with her. I stopped at the bank in Vichy to get change for the day but I always underestimate the amount of ones I need.
The weather was hot for this time of year, getting up into the 80's. The guys had it pretty rough cooking the molasses in the hot sun but it did make for a beautiful day.
April and I pour up the molasses and man the booth. It's nice visiting with people and hearing them reminisce about making molasses when they were younger. People are so amazed by the process. We've been doing this since 1978 so it's old hat to us.
I am so grateful for all of my family that helps with this old time venture of making molasses. We are carrying on the tradition my Dad started in 1978. His legacy of molasses making will continue down through the next generation. Todd has learned how to finish off a batch of molasses from Dwayne and David. The Feeler Molasses tradition is carried on down through the Elrod's.

The brochure Meramac Springs puts out each year features a picture of Dwayne and I taken in 1998. I LOVE the picture, as I am a. much skinnier!! b. younger, c. much skinner!!! BUT, we don't look the same as we did twelve years ago (darn it!!)and it was time to submit an updated picture of us.
Dwayne and I posing for 2011 Brochure picture:

If only we weren't smiling, we might have got to be the next "poster child" for the Corn Flakes box.
Ma and Pa Kettle:

Troy feeding the cane into the press:

Todd and David cooking molasses:

That evening, we went to the dinner sponsored by the James Foundation. Each year awards are given out for years participating. My nephew, Nathan was so excited as he was to get his 10 Year Award. I didn't get a picture of him, but he was very proud.
The girls must have been worn out as they were pretty quiet on the way home.
Repeat of the day before. There is so much team effort on the family and friends to help make this event happen each year. We appreciate every one's effort. Since we had pizza last year on Sunday, we repeated it this year and April and Mike picked up pizzas from Pizza Hut.
I took the day off to rest. (and clean a much needed house!!)
It seemed like I just started my work week and here it is Friday and ready for another weekend. Time certainly passes by fast!!
I am so grateful for each of my family and their presence in my life.
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