Blake and Nathan had a good time playing in it.

Nathan thought he was so big standing at the cutout windows and door.

He also like crawling in the grass and was quite fast at it.

Blake liked telling "his April" about his day at school and riding the school bus.

The fun wouldn't be complete at the house site without playing with your bike on a dirt/gravel pile.

We then went on in to Rolla and stopped at Lowe's for April to get a rug for her new house. I'm sure glad we waited until Dwayne could go with us as it would have been quite the hassle of me and April carrying it to the front of the store and trying to load it.

We then ate at Wendy's. When Wendy's came to Rolla in 1977, it was a great place to get a fast food hamburger that didn't taste like the run of the mill burger.
The patties were square, about one half inch thick and was a little bigger than the bun. Very good and tasty. Through the years they have downsized the square shape and then also started making the patty thinner. Last night takes the cake!! The very small, almost card size patty is now very, very thin. I would be so ashamed to put my name on a product so small. Seems like everyone is downsizing in products, a candy bar is much smaller, snack cakes get smaller all the time, etc. I for one would rather pay a few extra cents and get a product worth it's size.
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