Not quite the same style as usual.
Me and my guy:
Todd and Grandpa:
Apparently Dad was telling a funny story.
Mom and Chad:
They don't look quite as happy with whatever story Dad was telling.
Todd, Dad, April, Mom and Chad:
One of the hottest days of the year and April is wearing sweat pants and jacket.

We had Dwayne's birthday supper last night. Chad, Todd and April were there but Mike had to work so he couldn't make it. We missed him being there.
Mom and Dad were there for dessert as they eat much earlier than we do. It was a fun night and we enjoyed Dad's stories. (even though we've heard them many times before...........)
I really missed my mother and father-in-law last night. Dodie loved celebrations and Grandpa Andy just liked coming to the house anytime.
Times like this make me appreciate even more having my parents with us.
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