January and February were very busy and stressful months at work. I took the day off just to rest and relax.
Dwayne, Todd, April and I went to my Uncle Merle's funeral. It was a beautiful service and tribute to my uncle. The preacher told of my Uncle Merle being in the hospital a couple weeks ago. They were taking him up to his room and there was a Chaplain in the elevator with him. He asked if he could pray for him and Uncle Merle said yes. Uncle Merle said when he opened his eyes after the prayer all he could see was the color blue. And then he saw a light with the blue Aura and at the end of the light he saw Jesus. It was a concern of my Grandma's that all of her children be saved by the Grace of God. This testimony of Uncle Merle is even more precious as he was not one to go to church or prone to exaggeration any situation.

After the funeral, Elizabeth rode with us to the cemetery and on to Vienna for the funeral dinner. There is never a dull moment with Elizabeth around! She is quite the entertainment.
Elizabeth then spent the night with us. We watched a space alien movie and played Skip Bo.
Dwayne went to church early as he is on the nutrition committee. The committee fixes a meal one Sunday per month. Elizabeth and I went to church and then stayed for dinner.
When we were leaving, Elizabeth noticed she left her jacket. I told her I would get it next Sunday but then decided to just go around to the back and let her go in and get it.

As we were going home on Highway 63 the traffic had come to a stop at the top of the hill from the Gasconade River. We assumed there was a bad accident as the road was blocked. We could not see very far as there was a diesel ahead of us blocking the view. As they directed everyone to turn around and detour through Hwy 42 East we then saw the road was blocked due to heavy rock that had fallen across all three lanes of the highway. We could not tell if any cars were involved and we prayed there wasn't as the cars would have been totally crushed due to the larger boulders. That is when Elizabeth decided she saved our life. And she may be correct as the three to five minutes it took to go back and retrieve her jacket may have kept us from traveling through at the time the rocks fell as it happened just a few minutes before we got there. I'm sure we will hear the story of Elizabeth saving our lives for years to come. LOL
My niece, MacKensie Ellyne turned twelve on the 12th of February. Mom had her birthday dinner yesterday. We went to Mom's after the church dinner to visit with everyone. MacKensie is the baby of all the grandchildren and brings great joy to Mom and Dad.

I fixed spaghetti for our Sunday evening meal. Chad didn't feel well as his arm is still hurting him quite a bit from his accident a couple weeks ago, so he didn't come up. Dwayne, Todd, April, Mike and I spent an enjoyable evening visiting.
Dwayne finally got called back to work this week. I think today will be rough for him as he has not had to get up at 4:30 in the morning for over six months.
Dwayne works very hard and the six month break was good for him.
The weekend was a time of reflecting the past, visiting with family we seldom see, rejoicing the life of my Uncle Merle, and overall being grateful for the life we lead.
That rock slide was CrAzy!!