The day started off on the wrong foot (literally!) and only got worse as the day wore on.
I was to take a vegetable dish to church for Imogene Gray's funeral dinner. I had made my corn casserole the night before and had planned on putting it in a glass dish, then I remembered I still had a disposable aluminum pan with a lid so I used that.
I start down the front steps to go to work, carrying the dish, my purse, a cup of milk and who knows what else. I always try to carry as much as I can so I don't have to make more than one trip. Well, about half way down I slipped on the ice and landed very hard on my back on one of the steps. The dish went flying out of my hand and luckily landed face up. The lid had come off but the casserole dish was still okay, minus a few dents. Dwayne heard me yell and came out in his bare feet. Bless him, he helped me up and carried my stuff to the truck with his feet freezing. It hurt so bad I couldn't help crying but I went on to work. It still hurts today but not too bad.
That night when I got home, Dwayne actually pampered me by fixing supper and bringing it to me in the living room. I later went to bed and started reading the book mentioned below. I stayed up until 2 a.m. to finish it. It is a good story and anyone who has adult children can understand the turmoil of how much to be there for your son/daughter or how hard it is to practice tough love.

I love to sleep late and I was happily snoozing away when all of a sudden someone is in my face saying, wake-up sleepy head! Scared me to death!! It was my darling daughter.
April needed to go to St. James to take some pictures for a news photo for the paper and I went with her. We probably looked like Thelma and Louise driving around town doing drive-by shooting. (with a camera) We also went to an anitique shop and looked around then on to Lowe's to pick up a gallon of paint. We always have a good time when we're together.
When we got home, Dwayne had a beautiful flower arrangement on the table. I didn't even notice it until I'd been home a couple hours. Reminded me of when I used to get the kids baby pictures back and would put one on the TV for Dwayne to see when he got home. I cannot remember a time that he actually noticed the pictures without me having to point them out.
Desmon came and spent the night with me and Dwayne. He can be such a little stinker one minute but then so loving the next. Me and Desmon usually play farmer with the little cows and hay set Chad had when he was young. We have a routine of feeding the cows on the feeders, hauling the hay in the back of the truck and we have two cows that look like they have mud on them. These two are always in a mud pond. There are two long horn steers that are his best buddies. Mister Dwayne will play feeding cows with him but he says he dosen't do it like Miss Connie. When he got there, he ran up and gave me a big hug and said I've sure been missing you Miss Connie, melts my heart. Later when April and Mike got home he took some of the cows, hay and trucks down for Mike to play but he said Mike doesn't know how to do it right, either. LOL Guess I'm the official cow feeding person! (Lucky me)
Desmon is usually only around adults and they all pester him and think it's so funny if he does something he shouldn't. The other day Todd was there and as he was leaving, Desmon asked why he was going. Todd told him it was because he was being so mean. Desmon goes, well come back tomorrow Todd and I won't be so mean. LOL I mean how can you not laugh at the kid and the funny things he says.
Desmon and Dwayne camped out in the living room. Desmon woke up a little before daylight and came in my room crying, he had lost Mister Dwayne. I thought Dwayne may have gotten up early and was upstairs painting the bathroom. I look upstairs but he's not there then I looked in the living room and Mister Dwayne was laying there asleep. I guess Desmon only looked to one side of him and didn't see Mister Dwayne laying there. Luckily, he went back to sleep after finding Mister Dwayne.
I had planned on going to church but played hooky. We watched a movie and then went to Mom's for Sunday dinner. Mom had chicken-n-dumplings, a very good dinner. Desmon then went back home with Chad.
That afternoon, Dwayne and I went to Vichy for our friends, Dennis & Joyce Tipton, 40th Wedding Anniversary. We had a good time visiting with friends we hadn't seen in a long time.
Every year for Valentine's Day, I fix a heart shaped meatloaf. Dwayne, April, Mike and I had a nice Valentine's Day dinner and an evening of watching TV.
Your mom is amazing! Homemade chicken & dumplings!? Not many women her age can do all that she still does!! :)