If I could save time in a bottle............... by Jim Croce
For the past two weeks, I wish I could have put time in a bottle. Work has been so busy with year end paperwork and pet food sales going great that I haven't had time to blog. A friend told me that when pet food and beer sales go down you know the economy is bad. I can say the economy has not affected dog food sales yet.
February 1:
My sister Judy's birthday. Mom fixed Judy a birthday dinner on Sunday the 31st. Judy always requests a gooseberry cake. It is a yellow cake (made from scratch) with gooseberry filling in the middle and seven minute frosting. Mom has always made this for Judy's birthday but for the past several years Dad has made the cake. He is so proud of himself! And this from the Dad who couldn't even get his own glass of water while I was living at home. We had a great time visiting with family. It is always a treat when Judy's daughter, Tammy and her sons, Josh and Cody can come down for a visit. They lives in De Soto.
What could make a weekend better than one of my sons getting hurt or sick. The week before Todd called at one in the morning that he was sick with the flu. This weekend, it was Chad. Chad and Desmon had went to Rolla in the snow and on their way back home, they slid on the ice on the gravel road not too far from Chad's house. The truck hit a soft spot on the side of the road and slowly turned over. Desmon was buckled in his car seat and did not get hurt, just a little scared. Chad, on the other hand,( my accident prone child) did not get hurt when the truck turned over but as he was getting out of the truck on the passenger side (the driver's side was on the ground) he stepped down onto ice, slipped and landed on his right arm. Todd called and Dwayne was then off to take him to the emergency room. They stopped by the house first. Without health insurance, there is always the worry over the cost. Not to say your health doesn't come first, but if you can wait it out a little that's what we'll do. Chad was in alot of pain and the elbow was swollen to twice the normal size. Chad has a pretty high pain threshold and you could tell he was in enormous pain so we knew it hurt alot. Chad waited until Saturday and called a local doctor. He said even if the arm/elbow was broken, it could not be set for a few days until the swelling went down. Long story short, I took Chad to an orthopedic surgeon in Jefferson City. He took an x-ray and the arm wasn't broken but the tendons and muscle were very bruised. Chad elected to do his own physical therapy with guidelines to go by. Even when you think, what else could happen, you still feel thankful that it wasn't worse. So when you say your prayers, Chad could always use an extra thought sent his way as if someone is going to get hurt, it's Chad. (or Chadley, as Desmon calls him)
Happy Anniversary:
Our good friends, Mike and Susan Southard celebrated their 33rd anniversary on Friday, February 5th. The weather was pretty much the same Friday as it was the day they got married as we had a huge snowfall then. 1977 was the year for weddings in our circle as Chris and Sherie got married on March 5th, Kevin and Karen on May 15th and Dwayne and I on September 10th. Seems so long ago and then again it just seems like it was yesterday. Once again,
time in a bottle.........
February 5th, 1998 also marks a very horrific time in all of our lives. Our good friend, Susan along with her children, Adrian and Kyle, were found murdered in a neighboring pond. I won't elaborate more as the memories of that time are so emotional and hard to deal with to this day. Susan (Southard) Brouk is our good friend, Mike's, sister. They were actually killed on February 1st but their bodies weren't found until the 5th of February, so that is the legal date listed as time of death. The 5th of February is a bittersweet day for Mike and Susan, a time to rejoice in their married life but over shadowed by the tragic events of their sister, niece and nephew's death. As hard as it is/was, the whole Vichy community and friends are there for each of the Southard siblings and especially for our good friends, Mike and Susan, who've endured alot of emotional pain on their anniversary.
Randy's Road Kill Grill:We have a restaurant only about five miles from our house. When you live outside of town, this is a real treat to only go a few miles to eat. (
Poet and don't know it! LOL) Despite the name of road kill, it is a great place to eat barbeque. Dwayne, April and I ate there Friday night. The dining room is decorated really neat with various deer heads, bear skins, etc. and you can look out the windows at the lake. With the snow on the ground Friday, the view was beautiful. If you are familiar with Highway E out of Rolla, Randy's Road Kill Grill is about half way from Rolla to Highway A going to our house.
Nathan Time:
Our friends, Kenny and Shelley, took their little boy, Blake to St. Louis to see Monster Jam. We happily volunteered to keep Nathan for the night. He is such a good baby, always laughing and cooing. When our babies were small, I got up with them during the night. I never thought anything about Dwayne not helping as I was a stay at home Mom and he got up for work around 4:30 each morning. But I am so fortunate that when we keep Nathan, Dwayne gets up with him and seems to enjoy that time. April and Mike brought Nathan to church with them and it seemed to make heads roll as people were trying to figure out the relationship of April, Mike and a baby. I'm sure there's alot of speculation going on this week. LOL Mom had Sunday dinner and we took Nathan with us. All of the kids took turns holding him. Ashlyne and Lizzie came home with us for the afternoon. When Kenny and Shelley came to pick up Nathan, Blake had alot of stories to tell of the Monster Jam. He had a great time and was surprised at the show as he thought it would be like the Monster Jam Cartoons him and April used to watch.
I'm not into sports, so the girls and me watched tv upstairs. Later, Judy came and picked Ashlyne up for church and Zach stayed with Dwayne to watch the game. I had fixed beans and cornbread, fried potatoes and smoked pork chops. Well first, Dwayne let the beans go dry while I took a nap and then I let the beans get scorched when I was visiting with Billy for awhile. Liz and Zach were there for supper and they kept us entertained with their goofiness. Liz asked us if we knew why she always knows things (as she KNOWS EVERYTHING) and she said it was because her initials are EAR, Elizabeth Ann Rowe. I asked if someone told her that and she said, no, I just came up with it. And she probably did, she's just like that. You can't get much on Liz, she's pretty quick with a comeback. Dwayne, April and Mike watched the game and I went to bed early.
Work has been so busy, it was nice to just relax for the weekend.