Not much to report. Saturday, Dwayne spent the day mowing hay. I started to clean up around our front door where I had painted. (I'm a messy painter...........) But a book I had been reading kept calling my name and it was such a nice day out. So I spent the day in the porch swing reading. Felt great to be outside and enjoy the cooler weather.
Sunday, I went to church. After church, I went to J.C. Penney's and found some good buys for Christmas. Then went to Big Lots and didn't find anything. After that, I went to visit my Aunt Geri Williams. She is the only living aunt on my Mom's side of the family. Along with Daddy, they're the only ones of that generation still here. Aunt Geri had been in the hospital for a couple of weeks but seemed to be doing well while I was there. We even visited without her having to put her oxygen on.
Dad supplied supper. A good friend of ours, Tim Brummett brought down to Dad a peach cobbler and a pan of Lasagne his friend, Steffanie had made. They had visited Dad the week before and she wanted to make something for Dad. It was so nice of her. It was just me, Dad and Dwayne for supper. Quite a small group without the kids here. Dad was disappointed he didn't get to see the kids.
That's about the extent of our weekend.
I am grateful for these times with my Dad.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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