Tuesday, October 25, 2016


It's been a year Friday since Daddy brought Momma home from the nursing home.  And a whole week we had with her.  Judy, Katie and I just camped out at the house, only leaving to get a change of clothes.  I've done real good dealing with Momma's death but seeing these two pictures crop up on memories today kind of hit me.  I miss her so much.  I have tried to be strong this year but this week has hit me pretty good.

Mom in painting class at the nursing home.  Hoss was her nickname for Dad.
LOVE this picture.

Mom and Lizzy

October 28th, we lost Momma.  As hard as it was, it was a blessing not to see her suffer anymore.  She had a rough week and actually the whole last year.  We all miss her so much.

I am so grateful for this wonderful woman.  I couldn't have asked for a better Mom.

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