Miss Iva Lorraine Holtmeyer, born June 3rd, 9:31 p.m. 8 lb 7 oz, 20 1/4 inches.
Iva is my Mom's middle name and Lorraine is for Mike's grandma who also passed away last year. When I received the text and picture while I was in the waiting room, I cried. Although, I thought it was a girl, I just couldn't believe it. I was so so happy. She's a chunky little thing. I didn't drive home until eleven at night so I was a little tired but made it okay.
Saturday: Time for Grandpa to come see his new baby girl. Just a little bit proud.
Uncle Todd and Iva. Todd and Michelle came up to visit. Uncle Todd held her forever, didn't think he'd ever give her up.lol
Baby girl getting ready to come home from the hospital in the same outfit April wore home years ago. Almost made me tear up again. Such a pretty girl.

Grandpa had to sit with Cash while he ate his supper.
But Cash was also a Grandma's boy this weekend. We played with toys, played hide n seek upstairs and alot of other things. Got in some hugs too.
Cash playing with the back machine my Dad bought for us.
Around nine, Cash started getting tired. He had me lie on the couch and he on the other end. In no time he was asleep. He slept for twelve hours. Tired little boy
Sunday: We ate at the new Mexican Restaurant in Vienna. Cash had to cut his chips with a knife and fork before he would dip them in the sauce.
Iva loves the baby swing.
Cash and baby sister.
I cannot begin to tell you how grateful to God I am for blessing us with a granddaughter. I've been collecting clothes ever since my Great Niece Ashlyne was born and she's eighteen! Alot are yellowed or out of style. lol
I am so grateful for our family and the newest addition.
So very exciting!! Congrats to all! Now we need a picture of Grandma holding little Iva!