April and Cash came over on Saturday and spent the day. Love these days together. Cash and Grandpa had to make their rounds in the Ford truck; feeding cows, driving the dirt roads, going to see Chad. Then on to the four wheeler. Grandpa spoils him to no end. But we love it.
On Mother's Day, we only had Chad and my Dad. Dad had bought me a pressure cooker he had seen on TV and kept asking how it was doing. It was too heavy for me to lift to the counter, so I hadn't used it yet. Dad as so excited over it. We cooked a pork loin with potatoes and carrots in about 35 minutes. It was very good.
Dad has also ordered me a back machine and a stomach belt with a special cream that was suppose to make my stomach smaller. lol He needs to quit watching all these commercials on TV. The stomach cream made my stomach start growing hair and the belt would bunch up. I sent it back. (don't tell Dad! lol) Lizzy uses the back machine when she comes over.
Overall, I had a good Mother's Day weekend. I saw my kids and my Dad, what more could I ask for.
(except for a healed shoulder........)
I am very grateful for my family.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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