I went to Wal-Mart after work to buy groceries and to pick up April's Christmas cards. I stood in line for a half an hour and then they couldn't find the cards. The other salesperson asked if she had went through each letter to see if they could be filed wrong. No, she hadn't so he started looking meticulously through each file, still no cards. Then he looks to the side of the file and they are right there where they should have been able to see them. I have to give him credit, he looked very closely and tried to find them. Remember these cards as they will continue to haunt me.
I finished up my shopping by forgetting items and having to go back to the other aisles. I am very tired and just want to go home.
I had parked by the grocery cart pick up but I couldn't get into my car as someone had me blocked in. I reached over the bar and loaded my groceries from the cart. Now on to Arby's to pick up sandwiches. I get home and start taking things in and the door is locked. I knock and knock and knoch, no answer. Thought Dwayne might be in the shower, so I ring the door bell continuously. No answer-and my hands are full. I walk over on the porch to where I see Dwayne sitting in his chair sound asleep. I start knocking on the window repeatedly and yelling his name. Nothing, not even a flinch. After trying this awhile, I put my packages down and went to the car to get a key. Even when I get in the house Dwayne is still asleep. Ugh! He finally wakes up but isn't up to par yet. I carry in the rest of the groceries and we get ready to eat. I was telling Dwayne about the Christmas cards and then notice I don't have them. I go to the car and look, I look in all the grocery bags again. No cards! I was so tired, I just wanted to cry! I call the Wal-Mart store and get cut off. I call again and got a really nice guy. He asked where I parked and said no problem, I'll send someone out to look. It wasn't long he came back on the line and said they found the cards. THANK YOU! They would be at the customer service desk for me to pick up Friday evening.
We went by the funeral home as a neighbor, Linda Dressendofer had passed away. We visited with people we knew and then went to Wal-Mart to pick up the Christmas cards. Luckily, all went well.
Shawn, a guy Dwayne rides to work with told Dwayne we should eat at The Public Brewing Co. in St. James. We thought we'd give it a try. We're thinking streaks. Their menu was very limited. I had the rueben sandwich which was very good. Dwayne got the special, braised short ribs with brined turnips on a bed of black eyed peas paste. Uh, not quite what we're used to eating. He ate it but left hungry. I tried the paste and it was kind of gross. We think we're going to make Shawn go eat there!
We went by Sput's and visited with friends for awhile.
I got called into work and Dwayne went to pick up Cash as April's work Christmas party was that night. I had a deal to work up and didn't get off work until after one (we close at noon).
We spent the day playing with Cash. I took him up to Dad's for a visit and then home to take a nap. I took the nap and Cash watched TV with Pa.
Cash had a cold and started running a temperature. I gave him some medicine and we rocked. He fell asleep early so we went on to bed.
I got up early and Dwayne and Cash slept until 9:15. Cash got alot of rest and was feeling better. We were having the kids over for Mike's birthday dinner which was a month late as his birthday was November 10th. Tim came over with Chad so we had a full dinner table and lots of lively conversations. I had made one of Mike's favorite deserts, Mountain Dew Dumplings. They are good and super easy.
I must have still been tired as I fell asleep before 7:30. Went on to bed and then fell asleep this morning while watching the news. Would have been a great day to take off but that's not fair to my employer.
I love our family dinners as it reminds me of the times at Mom and Dad's and the closeness you feel by seeing each other fairly often. I don't do weekly meals like Mom did, I go for every other week. I get too tired after each meal. I think my Lupus is doing a flare-up on me as I've been extremely tired the past few weeks.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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