The weekend was pretty much visiting with Mom and Dad. Dad has pneumonia but the doctor didn't want him back in the hospital as there were so many viruses going around and he had just been in the week before for influenza. Katie took Dad home with her.
Visited with Mom in the daytime and then sat with Dad Friday night as Katie had to go to St. Louis.
Spent the whole day and early evening with Mom. Dad felt well enough for Katie to bring him up to see Mom. Mom is still having a hard time breathing due to the pneumonia and asthma.
Dwayne came home Saturday getting sick. Sunday, he was really sick all day. He looked miserable.
He slept all day and on into the night.
I went to church, came home to check on Dwayne and then on to see Mom. She seemed to be doing better.
Dwayne was so sick, got him a doctor's appt. and took him in. He was given two shots and loaded up with medicine. By evening, he was feeling better.
Monday evening, I took Dad to see Mom. While I was there, Kate came in and not longer, Judy. We had a mini family reunion minus Russ. Mom loved having us all there.
I am grateful the family comes together to help Mom and Dad through these tough times.
(I feel like it's not affecting me, but I am so drained and I do not want to do anything at home. Maybe I'm just using my strength to be with Mom and Dad and that's all I have to give. Although, I have a wonderful husband and he does not complain about it, I feel like I should make him better meals and take care of him more. He says I'm doing all I can at the time.)
Happy March!!
3 days ago
I think you are doing plenty tending to your parents....and you'll never regret that. You will have time later for house work and cooking.....Your priorities are right!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that Gail! Connie is where she should be -- the housework will still be there! K