I had the afternoon off. Went for a routine mammogram and then on to see Mom at the hospital. She looked better, but was still short of breath. We had a good visit.
As I left, I had a nudge to buy a coconut crème pie for our friend, Wally who is battling cancer. I then decided I was too tired but I kept feeling that nudge. I stopped on the way home but they were still at the hospital for more tests.
Dwayne and I ate a early supper and then went to Chad's for a visit. We left there and then went to Pat and Wally's. Wally was very pleased with the pie. Pat said, "Wally, you were wanting coconut crème pie when we ate lunch and didn't get it". I asked Wally if he sent vibes through to me.
April was getting her car serviced at Weidinger's so I picked her and Cash up. We stopped by my friend, Brenda's. Brenda made Cash a Mickey Mouse crocheted hat for his birthday. Wish I had a picture, it's very cute.
We went home and visited Grandpa Dwayne for awhile. He sure loves his grandpa.
We were going to Rolla to visit Mom and picked Dad up to ride with us. Mom was glad to see us, but especially Cash. She said he is one special baby. April, Cash and I went to a couple stores then came back to pick up Dad.
My cousin, Mary Sue and her husband, Tony were having a party for their 5th anniversary. I was surprised at the number of people there. When we left my Dad (who is almost 90) said, "There was sure a lot of old people there. lol
Stopped back by to see Grandpa Dwayne and then on to Weidinger's to drop off April and Cash. He is such a trooper shopping with Mom and Grandma. (of course, the Mickey Mouse toy Grandma bought might have helped some...........)
Saturday night, Dwayne and I went to eat at Sput's. Our friends, Kim and Ramey were there. Had a good visit with them. Then John Hadley came in. He works with Dwayne and has been a good friend. Even helped paint April and Mike's house when they bought it. I showed him pictures of Cash and then he showed me pictures of his coon dogs. I was probably as interested in his pictures as he was mine. lol
We left Sput's and went to Todd's house. Tim (Wally's son) was there and very upset with his Dad's cancer diagnosis. I feel bad for all of them. Luckily, I haven't had to experience a close friend dealing with cancer before. Not sure the proper etiquette for helping them.
Got up early and went with my cousin, Mary Sue, Aunt Fern and Aunt Ethel to see my cousin, Wilma in the hospital. She was so surprised to see us. Wilma has COPD and is in very bad shape. Glad we went to see her.
We then went to the casino. Mary Sue and Aunt Fern love going there. We ate at the buffet and then off to the gambling rooms. I was too tight with my money to gamble any but sat by Mary Sue and watched her. I got just as excited watching her as I would have if I gambled on my own. I don't know if Mary Sue thought I didn't have any money as she then gave me $40 to gamble. I didn't do too well and lost all of it. Sure glad it wasn't my money. lol
We stopped by the hospital on the way home to see Mom. She was sitting up in a chair and looked a lot better.
I had a very good weekend. Visiting with family and friends is what life is about and we did plenty of visiting.
I am grateful for such caring family and friends.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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