We went to my nephew, Tony's for his son Nathan's 14th birthday party. We had a good time visiting.
I went to Rolla shopping. The stores were very crowded but everyone was very friendly. A lot of Merry Christmas greetings and people just saying hello. A nice holiday atmosphere.
That evening Dwayne and I went to a cousin's wedding in Rolla. It was a beautiful ceremony.
We then drove through Lion's Club Park to look at the Christmas lights. I have always wanted to do that but it never interested Dwayne. I think he enjoyed it, too. Our favorite was the one of the fisherman out in the lake reeling in a big fish. Don't know what it had to do with Christmas but it was very neat.
We then went home and watched a couple of Christmas movies. A very good day.
Woke up at 6:30 a.m. to the phone ringing. My sister, Judy called to say Mom was very sick and they were taking her to the hospital by ambulance. I never could go back to sleep but laid there and rested awhile longer. I went to the hospital and found out Mom had a severe case of pneumonia. Fortunately, her heart checked out okay and all her blood cultures looked good. I stayed until around one o'clock and then went home to where Dwayne had dinner fixed. Steak and baked potatoes. Very good. I told him I was really tired and going to take a nap. Well, it must have been a long winter nap as Dwayne woke me up at 6:45 p.m. He said I needed to get up so I could go to bed later. lol
He once again cooked and we had sirloin steak and potatoes. Dwayne really helps a lot around the house anymore. He is spoiling me.
Another evening of watching a Christmas movie. There has been a lot of good Christmas movies on this year.
I am very grateful for my family and especially grateful I still have my Momma and pray she recovers from this bout of pneumonia. Please pray for her.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
Will be thinking of your Mom and hope she continues to improve...