My Dad turned 89 yesterday. We hosted a birthday dinner at our house Sunday for him. His two living sisters were there to help celebrate. His only living brother, Uncle Hubert, wasn't able to make it. Their whole household was sick with the flu.
Dwayne roasted a couple turkeys, I made mashed potatoes/gravy, dressing, broccoli casserole, birthday cake and everyone else brought covered dishes. We had a total of fifty guests. I am so thankful to be able to host my Dad's birthday celebration.
Everyone had a good time and most stayed all afternoon.
My camera broke over the summer and I bought a new one when Cash was born. I really miss my old camera; it was much more user friendly. This one is a little more technical and I can't get the hookup to the modem to work, therefore, I don't have any pictures of Dad's birthday to post or more importantly, no pictures of my grandson, Cash. He is growing and changing each time I see him and I don't have a way to record these changes.
I took yesterday afternoon off work and went to see April and Cash. I got in a lot of rocking and cuddling time. I can't wait for the day he recognizes me.
I am grateful for my family, young and old, and the wonderful times we have together.
Happy March!!
3 days ago
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